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Piper picked me up for school again but this time the ride was quiet. Piper didn't even spare me a glance. I tried my best to not look at him too. I just couldn't. I know he said don't act weird but finding out your best friend liked you all these years is a lot to impact on.

We went to school but it was hard to focus. I kept thinking about what Piper said.

Jaxon was right. That doesn't mean he was right about me I still think I'm straight. So why am I meeting up with Stacy today? It was like I did it subconsciously and someone else made me call her.

"Make sure you have this formula copied guys. This will be helpful for the regents." My math teacher Mr. Wilson said.

I groaned as I looked at the board. But by the time I started writing, he changed it to an example.

Why does this always happen to me?

After class, I went over to my locker. Grabbing the book I needed for my next class. Surprisingly Steven was next to it.

"What do you want Steven?" I said. Steven looked sad and he's like rarely sad. Unless we lose a big game. Then he cries likes a baby not that I'm blaming him.

"Angelina broke up with me." He said huffing. "Who's that?"

"The girl I met at the party after we beat the Knights. She was perfect dude." He choked. "Dude if she was perfect she wouldn't have dumped you."

"But you don't understand she was. She just got me. She even knew how to play football. She used to throw me passes." He said whining. "She said she found someone else. Somebody better than me."

"It's whatever though I'm over it," Steven said looking at me. "Okay, dude," I said rolling my eyes.

Steven tends to do this a lot. I have no idea what's wrong with him. But hey he's my friend.

"You been awfully weird today did Stacy break up with you? Because if she did I promise-"

"No, she didn't. But I'm actually thinking of breaking up with her." I mumbled.

"Okay," Steven said.

"Okay, just okay? You're not going to ask why?" Steven shook his head signaling no and sighed.

"It's not really my business I don't think. And if you want to break up with her I'm not going to do a full investigation on why. If your heart is telling you to do something do it." He said smiling.

"Steven, when did you get so poetic?" Steven just looked at me and laughed. "See you later Luke."

"If your heart is telling you to do something do it," I whispered to myself. I grabbed my stuff and went to my next-period class.

All my morning periods were done and it was finally lunchtime. The moment I had been dreading and also waiting for. I saw Stacy by the lunch table and I told her to follow me.

She followed me to the football field. "So what do you want to talk about?" Stacy said looking at me.

"I think we should break up," I mumbled rubbing the back of my neck.

"What did you say?" Stacy said lividly. "I mean I don't think we should continue our relationship."

"Did you find somebody else? Who's the girl she goes here?" Stacy said laughing. "Because I know your not breaking up with me because I was mad at you for hanging out with Piper more than me."

"No, it's not that it's.." I sighed. "I just don't think this can work."

"Whatever Luke. Fuck you." Stacy said storming out of the football field.

That was better than expected. I took a seat on the bench and just looked at the field.

"Hey." Someone said from behind me.

"Hi," I replied.

"What are you doing here?" Piper said taking a seat next to me.

"I'll tell you later." Piper sighed and got up going back into the school.

Fallen For My Best Friend  (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now