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During school, I was impatiently waiting for the time. The time for me and Stacy to go on that date. I was excited and nervous at the same time.

During lunch, Piper, Noah, and Steven were sitting together. For some reason, the girls who usually sat with weren't there. So we were just sitting by ourselves.

"Hey, I heard Stacy asked you out," Noah said. "About time you guys got together." He added.

"What my best man Luke got with his dream girlfriend?" Steven said in surprise.

Steven has been my friend since middle school. And he's the running back of our school. He's sometimes really annoying. But I don't know we just kind of click. So we have been friends ever since. Noah is different though. He the more timid and serious than the rest of the footballers. And a perfect person to vent to. Or to just simply talk to. Sometimes I swear Piper gets jealous of our friendship.

"Yeah, it was kind of out of nowhere though," I said rubbing the back of my neck. Steven just laughed and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Listen if your nervous or anything don't be. She asked you out so she likes you."

Piper glanced at Steven's hand on my shoulder and then rolled his eye. "Where are the girls anyways?" Piper asked looking down at his phone now.

"Good question. They should be here now." Noah added on.

"Don't worry we're here," Ashley said sitting down next to Piper and giving him a peck on the cheek. Stacy and Mackenzie took a seat next to her making Noah move over a little.

"What were you guys talking about when we weren't here?" Mackenzie asked.

"Nothing," Piper said sternly. Yesterday he said he was happy for me. But he seem mad about something when we were talking about me going out with Stacy.

Wonder what that's about.

After school, I rushed back to my house. Since neither I nor Stacy had a driver's license we agreed to just walk there together. But then I freaked out and told her we should just walk there separately.

And guess what I picked our first date to be?

The movies.

So now I went back home for god knows what. Stalling for time. I was about to leave my room when I heard a knock on my front door.

"I'll get it," I said walking out of my room and heading to the front door. I opened it to see Piper standing there one hand on the door frame. "Hey, can I come in?" He asked. His voice was more raspy than usual so I'm guessing he just got up from a good nap.

"Well, I'm about to go out because you know-"

"Yeah I know your date with Stacy but can I just stay here until you get back?" I nodded my head and let him in.

"Actually what should I wear since your here?" Piper grinned and then looked at me. "Well, where you going?"

"The movies." Piper just busted out laughing and smirking. "Your going to the movies doesn't matter what you wear." He looked down and scanned my outfit. "You look perfectly fine."

I smiled as I walked out of the door.

When I got there I was five minutes early. So I wasn't expecting Stacy to be there yet. But to my surprise, she was sitting on a chair staring down at her phone.

I walked up to her and when she saw me she gave me the biggest smile ever. "Hi, Luke!" She said giving me a big hug. After a while, she let go and I knew I was probably brushing so hard.

"Hi, sorry am I late?" She just shook her head and laughed. "No way, you're early. I just came right after school and waited for you."

Thank god. I thought I was late or something. I mean she probably wouldn't want a man who can't even show up to their first date on ti-

"So do you want to order popcorn and snacks?" Stacy asked. I looked at the counter and unlucky for us it was busy.

"No, I'll order it for you. You can go to the theater so you don't miss anything. What would you like?" Stacy looked at the menu and when she finally found something she wanted she looked at me again. "Just popcorn nothing else thanks."

I nodded my head and waited in line as Stacy walked to where the screenings are.

"You got everything?" Stacy asked as I sat down next to her. I nodded my head. And handed her the popcorn she asked for. And put my slushie in the cup holster next to me.

It was the middle of the movie. We were watching a scary one. A jump-scare appeared on the screen and Stacy latched onto my arm. I looked at her but she was completely focused on the movie.

Oh fuck.

Fallen For My Best Friend  (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now