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It was time for the big game. The team was gathered in the locker room. The coach and Piper the captain were giving out the game speech.

My nerve was starting to rise and it was time to get out of the locker rooms and get on to the field. Piper though as always seemed determined and not scared at all.

I wish I was like that but I can't. Definitely at a game like this. They could give us an easy team like last year. But they decide to make us go against the only other undefeated team besides us. The Knights. Every single one of their games was a blowout. And the other teams were not even close to beating them.

So yes a very hard game.

We walked out of the locker room and went onto to field. The crowd was screaming. And the stands were all packed. I saw Stacy with the other cheerleaders and gave her a small wave. She looked at me and smiled and waved back.

"Come on dude don't get distracted," Piper said. I nodded my head and followed him. The knights arrived a little later than us. But just seeing them intimidated me.

They were all tall and muscular. They were wearing yellow as opposed to our orange jerseys. The referees blew a whistle. And both Piper the captain and me the assistant captain met in the middle of the field with the knight's captain and assistant captain.

We relentlessly shook hands. And the ref reminded us of the rules again. Even though by this time if we didn't know the rules that would be embarrassing.

When they were finally done one of the referees flipped and coined. Piper called heads but it landed on tails. "We elect to receive." The other captain said. He had pitch-black hair and dark green eyes. He looked at me and scowled and went back to the rest of his team.

Piper and I headed back to where our team was and sat on the bench since we weren't playing yet. And finally, the game began.

They scored first. A touchdown. It wasn't all surprising we expected they would score. I mean they are the number one ranked football school in our city. Well for now.

It was our turn to be on offense. Piper called hike and went back into the pocket. He faked a handout and threw me the ball for a touchdown.

Seven to seven.

After two quarters of play, we were tied 28-28. It was halftime so we went into the locker room to have our break.

"We get the ball back we need to score. We have been doing good so far. But we need to work on our defense. We can't just rely on our offense to score every possession!" Coach said. We put our fists together as a team. "We got this coach," Noah said. Everyone else agreed. And just like that halftime was over.

It was the last play of the game. Ten seconds left on the clock. I used my jersey to wipe off the sweat on my forehead.

"Okay, guys we got this. If we score a touchdown we win the game. If we settle for a kick it's overtime. And we do not want overtime. Let's win this right here right now!" Piper said. "Break!"

Piper took a look at the other team's defense for a second. I looked at the scoreboard. 42-39. We have to win this. "Hike!" Piper screamed.

I could almost feel every second of the clock ticking away. I ran as fast as I can to the end zone. But for some reason, Piper didn't throw it. He was about to get sacked but ran out of the way and threw a desperation throw.

The ball was in the air and it was heading in my direction. I have to do this now!

I jumped on above the defender that was on me and caught the ball.

Everything went silent for a second. But just for a second.

"Touchdown!" The ref said. I saw all my teammates running over to me. Steven jumped on me almost causing me to fall. Piper just looked at me and smiled.

Wow, how could I never notice it? When Piper smiles at me his light green eyes twinkle a little. And he has a small dimple on the left of his lips.

"Uh, Luke?" Piper said looking at me. I immediately looked away from him and looked at the ground.

The game was over and it was time to shake the hands of our opponents. I could tell they were bummed out a bit by the loss. But I was so happy at that moment I couldn't feel bad.

I mean I felt a little bad.

I was about to shake another guy's hand when the captain of the knights stopped me. "Nice game you played well." He said then left me there to shake the rest of my teammate's hands.

Yeah, that was a very nice game. But now it's time to party.

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