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Hey everyone! I hope you enjoy the story. I am truly trying my best with the horrid writing skills I have so please be kind.

Here is a basic breakdown of Elise's origin story since I couldn't find a spot in the plot to put it. 


Eddie and Kia Mclaren are scientists working for Cadmus in Star City. They may seem like an average couple on the outside working a simple science research job, however in reality they work for the secret experimentation side of Cadmus. For years they had been trying to develop a serum that would change human DNA and give them superhuman powers. Their only problem is that every test subject they've had has either died from the serum itself or their powers killed them from the inside out. With the board not giving them any more guinea pigs and about to pull the plug on their study, the Mclarens decide to use the last of the serum on their daughters.

Star City - Cadmus Lab
March 6, 3000

Their only hope is for their two daughters Katie (10 years old) and Elise (3 years old) to show signs that this serum works. For the next 6 months, the two sisters are put on lockdown in their rooms and are unable to leave unless for testing purposes.

Star City - Cadmus Lab
September 22, 3000
19:15 PDT

(A/N - Elise is now 4) With Katie being tested, Elise gets antsy just sitting in her room and playing with her mini locket that has her family photo in it. She misses Katie and decides to go find her. She wanders around trying to find Katie and spots her in a glass room with their parents. Elise runs towards the room but stops when Katie shoots fire out of her hands. Even after the fire danced around her hand and fingers grazed her skin, it left no marks.

"Woah Katie! You have firefingers!" Elise yelled which got everyone's attention. Including the big security guard that Elise was always afraid of. He grabbed her and this immediately scared Elise. She feared for her life so like most would in this situation she screamed. However this wasn't just any scream, it was a canary cry.

The security guard let go of her and she ran into Katie's arms. "The serum worked," She overheard her mother say.

"Quick take her to the observation lab!" her father yelled. The security guard then tore Elise away from Katie. Screaming, crying, and panicking, Elise tried everything to break out of his grasp. It was when she saw Katie being held back that she let her fear and anger drive her to where all she saw was gold. Then suddenly everything went black.

"Elise! Elise Wake Up!" She heard someone yelling. Slowly becoming conscious, Elise suddenly felt hot. She opened her eyes and saw the fear and tears in her sister's eyes. "I thought I lost you" Katie breathed out as she engulfed Elise in a hug. Instead of the working and functioning lab, all Elise saw were flames everywhere.

"Katie I'm scared" Elise began to cry into Katie's chest. Before Katie could respond, the flames launched towards the two girls. Katie went in front of Elise since she was fireproof, but that didn't stop Katie from feeling the pain. Seeing her sister hurt brought back her feelings of fear and anger and everything became Gold once again.

As the Gold disappeared from her vision she noticed she was still in Katie's arms just on cold ground on the surface. Elise felt weak for some reason as if all her energy had been drained from her. The last thing she saw was a flying man on the moon with a blue suit coming towards them before everything went dark.


10 years later

Star City - Arrow Nest
May 15, 3010
18:15 PDT

Sparrow [1] - A Young Justice StoryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt