Jax. My entire body froze at the name of the man who'd pursued me for the past three months ever since I'd started working at Grant Corp. So adamant and determined to acquire a date.

Jax was an attractive man; Silky brown skin, rugged jaw, full beard a woman could run her hands through and tug during sex and thick dark hair which he always kept cut and neat.

He was handsome but he presented himself with this air of a playboy. I'd been with guys like that through my life, and I made a promise to myself after Enzo I wouldn't pursue anything with a man who was a playboy.

        I wasn't changing any man and I wasn't willing to.

        "He's okay." I mumbled under my breath, sipping my strawberry lemonade drink. Usually I'd only get water but Desmond Grant had drained my fucking sugar levels with his consistent yelling. "Why?"

        This time, Alice spoke out of nowhere. "Well, he's here."

"Here?" I raised an eyebrow at Alice, and she visibly shrunk in her seat. Alice was the quieter one out of all of us, she didn't speak much and was very a follower in activities. "And by here, do you mean oh he's behind you or he's on his way here?"

        "Presley." Deep voice spoke from behind me taking me by shock. I didn't have to turn my head to know who the commander of the voice was. The smell of masculine cologne was enough to alert me, and before I could say something, I felt the seat fold in itself as the man took up the remainder of space beside me.

        A frown automatically settled on my face as I turned to give my attention to Jax. Or at least what was left of it. "Baby girl." He flashed those perfect white teeth's at me before reaching for a French fry on my plate.

         I reached over and smacked his hand. "Don't call me that and don't touch my food."

        He raised a hand up almost like he was surrendering. "Of course." He turned his head, smiling that seductive smile women received from him whenever he was in a good mood, and that smile was trouble itself. "Hi, ladies."

        "Hello." Alice responded with a shy smile, her olive skin turning instantly red while Clara just rolled her eyes, impenetrable to his charms.

        "Jackson." She faked a smile. It made me wonder what kind of bribery Jax had used to get into the good graces of Clara. She hated him as much I did and here she was, conversing with him.

        Jax worked at the company across from Grant Corp and was a rival journalist but we'd met in the coffee shop from my first day, and ever since, he'd been following me around like a lost puppy.

        It was irritating and though I'd grown to enjoy his company at times, I realized he would never stop asking me out not unless I agreed.

         And I desperately needed a night to not give a fuck about everything and perhaps Jax could offer that.

        "Baby girl." Jax spoke lowly, his deep brown eyes glancing into mine. I never took him seriously because if I did, I would be like everyone else. Buried under him, and walking with my heart in my vagina after one night. "Tonight. You and me. The restaurant downtown. I'll make it worth your while."

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