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        I'd been a cranky and emotional wreck all day. I wish I could have said I'd woken up on the wrong side of the bed and replayed this day all over again but the reality was Aunt Flo came knocking on the door.

        My period was here after months of painful cramps each month, no bleed and multiple birth control treatments to treat it.

        I didn't have a typical period every month; I was lucky if it even came knocking for one month.

        And now for some strange reason, I woke up today in agony and a little bitter at the fact that Silvio went on a business trip and I hadn't heard from him in days.

        It wasn't unusual. He wasn't much of a chatter or texter. Our text messages consisted of pictures from me and one-word answers from him. I didn't expect much when it came to my fiancé or boyfriend or friend or whatever the hell we were.

         He'd given me a ring but hadn't formally proposed and I supposed there wasn't any need for proposing since this was all fake but I was a woman. And I loved over dramatic and emotional scenes even if it was just fake.

        He hadn't texted me or notified me of anything lately, I didn't see much of him after our last conversation which was exactly a week ago.

        Tommaso fetched me from work every day and assisted me with any of my needs but I doubt he'd be open to fetching me tampons even if I asked nicely.

       I knew it was part of his job description but even a man like that wouldn't want to be put in an uncomfortable position.

        I planned to hang out with Finley today since she was slowly approaching her due date and also break the news of the engagement.

        I knew she would be shocked because I'd only been ranting about hating him a few months ago but she'd understand.

         She was my best friend, she had to.

        Except I dragged myself out of bed this morning, dressed in sweatpants and an oversized shirt before I realized I couldn't actually wear that to work.

        Desmond would have a heart attack and so I changed swiftly into a black satin wrap dress with my favorite pair of stilettos.

        Before I walked into the office, I'd slipped off my engagement ring into my purse otherwise I was wishing for a plethora of questions.

        I managed to get through half of the day even with my boiling rage for Desmond's antics, I didn't blow up until Desmond asked for an update on the story he was working on. The same story which featured Silvio as the front line.

        I'd confessed I couldn't find much which wasn't a total lie.. or the whole truth but he'd blown up about my lack of work ethnic and how I needed to step it up these coming days to avoid layoff.

       And instead of walking away like a normal person would, I'd called him an asshole in front of the whole goddamn building and stormed into my office.

        And here I was, sitting in silence, curling a hand around my waist as an attempt to fend off the tight and painful sharps of ache every half an hour.

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