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The ball was typical of my father. He was looking for a husband for me. I wasn't as happy about it. He'd invited not only every available male in the surrounding states but he'd invited from across the country and even outside of it. Unfortunately we were still going. The guys were still arriving. Limo after Limo full of tux wearing idiots. I was just inside the door between my father and my older sister. They would enter the nearby front door and join the long line headed from us. Their names were announced to us, my sisters aid stood behind her checking names off a very long list. Each idiot then stepped up shook my fathers hand, most lifted my hand and kissed the back, then gave my sister a gentle bow. I didn't bother to remember their names since I didn't care.

Why did my father care about me marrying? Because I was the child of the last Alpha of the last clan of Basilisk. All the Basilisk races had been hunted until our clan that was made of all the different races was the only one. My father was the last Alpha. My sister was Alpha and would take his place when he either died or stepped down. My father, while I know he loved me, I also know that he was disappointed I wasn't another Alpha. I was an Omega. All those men coming wanted, not me, but the tie to my father and our clan. With that tie and treaty they got influence in some of the oldest kinds and families. I was just the way to seal it in a very permanent fashion.

One after another. Each idiot tried to give me a smile that would make me weak in the knees for them. I'd admit more then a few were totally hot. But I also knew that I wasn't a slave to my hormones so a pretty face, tight ass, and nice smile wouldn't get them anywhere.

"Alpha Robert Hands, of the Bright-ridge wolf pack." Dear god another wolf. I knew they were plentiful but did every freaking Alpha wolf come? The tall, past middle aged, man gave me a charming smile kissed the back of my hand, a wink then off he went.

"I told you to smile." My sister says poking me in the side.

"Tell you what, let me pick your husband and I'll smile all you want." I snap at her. "Dad, how many more are there?" I complain.

"Hush and smile." He says smiling as the next Alpha, yet another wolf stepped up. I could understand that people wanted the best for their races but I was not just a means to an end. To my relief I noticed that the line of limos had ended. Ten more smiles to strangers and I quickly hurried toward the nearest empty sitting room. Dropping down I groan and sigh.

"You aren't done yet." My sister says standing arms crossed in front of me. Ellie was a very protective big sister but at times like this when duty was the important thing, she was a pain in the butt.

"I just wanted a minute to sit and relax. I've been standing there for hours." I see her take a breath and relax.

"I know this isn't what you wanted, or easy on you at all but you understand why it's being done like this, don't you?"

"I understand and despite how offensive it is to be given away like a puppy for adoption, I've been good haven't I?"

"Yes, but you could be a little friendlier to them."

"I am trying my hardest. Dad is letting you pick your mate, in theory I understand our differences. But it's not fair that you get to pick your mate, the mate who will be ruling our people beside you, which is a very important thing. I'm just an Omega. It's more important who your mate is then mine."

"Not necessarily. My mate will be scrutinized every moment before and after we mate. The line they will walk is firm. Your mate won't be scrutinized so clearly so they can slyly use you and your connections to do things they shouldn't. So that means they have to be trustworthy. This will help dad and I to know candidates. We'll see who you prefer and who we think is trustworthy. If we're all lucky it'll overlap and you'll have the person we all will be comfortable with." I hadn't thought about it that in depth. Thinking about it from her perspective I could see how important it was. That helped to make some of my annoyance go away. Sitting up straighter I clear my throat.

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