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The doctor was a very pleasant woman. A rare swan was her race,

"I was told you fell and are concerned about your baby. Lay down here and we'll make sure the little one is okay." I lay out with Leon beside me. She gives me a quick exam and then gets a sonogram machine going.

"Could you hear them?"

"Well I heard something, it sounded a little garbled which happens if they are in an odd position. We'll look to see." She gives me a glance and goes back to the machine. "I'm going to guess you haven't seen a doctor since you realized you were pregnant."

"No. I wasn't really ready to tell anyone." She twiddles, takes some notes then turns the screen toward me.

"Alright, ever seen one of these?"


"Well, this right here the the amniotic sack that let them float around in comfort. Right here, and here are your twins." I stare in shock. Twins? "Both of them are doing just fine. Seems the bump didn't bother them. They are almost two months along. You are going to gain weight, nearly by the hour over the next month and a half. Then they'll sit and percolate, just letting their bodies fatten up and be sure that they are ready for birth. You'll need to increase your caloric intake and be sure to drink plenty of water. A full nights sleep is also best for them. Try to keep stress free as possible. Okay?"


"I'm going to print you some pictures and collect some information for you just to make sure you know everything you need to. Okay?"

"Yes." Before she could stand and leave the room the door crashes in and my father, very angry, steps in. He stares at me for a moment then looks at the doctor.

"Is everyone okay?"

"Yes. I was just going to collect some papers for him. You are welcome to stay and visit, as long as you keep calm and don't stress him out." My father nods and transfers his gaze back to me.

"Who is the father? Our visits were to get to know them, not for one of them to take advantage and assure their getting you for their mate. I'll get recompense for you." Wow, I'd really expected him to be angry at me. But he was angry on my behalf. He thought I'd been charmed into someone's bed.

"Dad. It wasn't like that. The night of the ball, I didn't fall asleep in the garden. Well I did but, I went to the little pond I like. Someone was there. He was a lion. We talked, it was really nice. He was different, I met someone I could talk to and laugh with. I stayed and, well, our interaction turned intimate. It wasn't really my goal and I really doubt it had been his. He didn't know I'd go to that spot in the garden. I thought I could meet him again during these visits. It wasn't until I was nearly a month along that I realized I could be pregnant. I didn't tell you hoping I'd find him first."

"Find him? You don't know who it was?"

"I know he is a lion and I know a lot about him. I just don't remember his name. I added all the lions to the list. I figured I'd find him that way and I could, hopefully show him that I wanted to be with him."

"A Lion?"


"What did he look like?"

"Black hair, blue eyes. Has an ever so slight accent that comes and goes." Dad's eyebrow went up as he stared down at me.

"He had black hair and was a lion?"

"Yes. I didn't think about that but, that's unusual isn't it?"

"Yes. There's only one Lion alpha who has black hair. His name is Oliver Bryson. He'd disappeared after the initial meet at the ball. I'd wondered where he'd been. His pride was last on my list. I'll call and say we're needing to move their visit up. Assuming he's happy to see you, I guess we'll have our choice. Why didn't you tell me as soon as you knew you were pregnant?" He asks glaring at me.

"Because if I told you, I wasn't sure you wouldn't be pissed at me and I didn't feel up to being yelled at yet." Dad looked at Leon.

"My apologies for taking up your time."

"No need. I've still enjoyed the visit. If the lion says no, he would still be welcome here as my mate."

"Thank you. I think it's best you go rest. I'll call Bryson." I nod. The doctor who had come back and just stayed in the back ground until we were done stepped up.

"Here's some things to read over. Several photos, and my recommendations for diet, exercise, and when you should have another check up. Good luck and take care of yourself, alright?"

"Thank you." Leon was sweet enough to walk me to the guest room I was using. 

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