Chapter 8

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Long Chapter Ahead...Enjoy 😉

Love Love ❤️


His eyes didn't blink at once. It's like they were trying to look into my heart. My soul. I couldn't handle that gaze but neither could I look elsewhere. It's like the very first time when I saw Ray. He had simply hyponotized me. The same black tuxedo. He has a dozen of them but he still buys more in black. Even that day he was wearing that tuxedo. I still couldn't forget that day

Flashback begins...

'Riyaaaaa make it quick!!! Come on Maria and Vidya are already waiting for us. Make it quick come on!!!' saying Tisha began dragging me along with her.

'Ahhhh Tisha this is heavier than expected ...girl please...' I almost screamed at her. I regretted volunteering to be a backstage help for the college fest. Looks like Xavier's my college organized and hosted one of the best intercollegiate fests in town. I was a first year student who was an absolute introvert. I loved my books, loved singing in my church choir and play piano in my home for every Christmas.

I loved my studies but seems like Xavier's believed in extra curricular activities as well and being an autonomous institute they also had extra numbers that I could gather if I joined these stupid events. And being the reputed topper of my batch ever since my lower kindergarten days, how could I let go that opportunity. Let's say I was obsessed with being the topper of the batch. The reason why I decided to volunteer for this fest. Noticing the fact that if I be the tag along buddy like my other friends volunteered, I had to spend time with all the team members assigned to me. I couldn't do that talking, so I silently decided to help my seniors.

But looks like it has backfired. Some Ray D'Cruz was assigned to do the transportation from the parking area to the amphe theatre where the stage for cultural programmes were set up but he was missing and I was made the scape goat. To add on my mother always believed I was short where as I was a decent 5.3 but she always thought girls must be a minimum of 5.5 resulting in me wearing those stupid ass heels. My legs were hurting like a bitch wearing a 4 inch pointed heels wearing which I was running around for the 5th time, this time carrying a stupid cardboard drawn tree because my seniors were performing an act on the stage and they remember this stupid prop at the nth minute. I hate my life. You should never be a junior, directly join third year graduation. Sucks!!!

Finally when I reached the stage Tisha got a call who shouted

'Rayyyyy you idiot... dumbass...idiot... the F did you leave me with this tiny little creature even know how tough it was to carry this stupid cardboard thingy and this girl here is so slow!!! I will kill you!!!' but right at that moment, I wanted to kill her. I carried that crap of a cardboard on my head along with her and what should I do if my heels are painful. Stupid woman, she was wearing comfy sneakers. I was jealous of her.

But then suddenly I felt no weight but I couldn't see what happened because the cardboard was still on my head and my view was blocked.

'Jesus!!! Thank god you are here...Next time you ditch me-' I heard Tisha speaking but then I heard a strong manly voice that said

'Tish relax babe! Joy's throat is blocked, he couldn't sing and Daman Sir had announced of a cultural programme...soooo'

'So you played your guitar?' Tisha asked and he said

'I played the guitar!!!' and they both chuckled. I wanted to scream on top of my voice because these besties were praising each other and talking their happy go lucky things and here I was loosing balance as I was holding the cardboard all alone and suddenly my heel tripped and I almost fell and I closed my eyes out of fear but suddenly I felt a be strong grip on my waist and suddenly the cardboard felt weightless.

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