Chapter 2

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He was panicking like a little girl. I couldn't believe this was the same guy who was trying to flirt with me last night. His dishelved hair, shirt buttons half undone, confused expression and fear filled eyes seemed amusing to me. I wanted to play a prank on him but I felt bad seeing his face. I smiled and simply threw my bag on the couch and started unpacking the breakfast I had got from my cafe. He loves the hashbrowns and the egg sausages that they make at Alfonso's. Freddy told me to take off during Christmas but I knew I couldn't afford that.

Christmas is a beautiful festival but also involves receiving and giving gifts. And that meant extra expenses and I couldn't afford to cut short upon my salary owing to the added expenses. So for the next 5 days until the new year eve I had requested Freddy's father for morning shift. He didn't like it so much. He was very strict when it came to work but he appreciated me asking a change in shift timing rather than asking for a vacation. I rarely take one. It's only when Lydia got chicken pox is when I took my last vacation.

But today was the night before Christmas and Alfonso's is open only until today afternoon and is completely off tomorrow. The only time in the year that they shutdown are these two days. I was allowed to leave early today because I extended last night. I happily agreed because I could bake apple pie for Lydia and the babies in our family. Erne and Felix who were Fari Di and Uncle Al's children. My maternal cousin Fari was married to my ex husband Ray's uncle Alexander. Although now that we are divorced I'm supposed to call Alex as Bhavji but then old habits die hard. He's Uncle Al for all of us and that's tough to change.

Then there was Ava who was Neha and Avita's daughter. Neha is Uncle Al's step sister who is married to Avita and settled in the US. Although they are extremely warm and sweet folks they prefer staying in the US because of the way people judge them. Neha and Avita are a much in love lesbian couple and they have given their daughter Ava all the love in the world but what do you do if the world and the society can't see beyond your sexuality. Specially after the way they tingled Ava two years ago. She is a baby and she didn't deserve it. However after Neha's mother in law expired two years ago they preferred coming to Uncle Al's place for Christmas and knowing how dangerous Uncle Al was no one dared to even think of making them feel uncomfortable however Uncle Al and Fari Di wanted Christmas to be special for family. The reason why Goa's biggest businessman celebrates Christmas only with family.

My Lydia is a big sister to all these kids. She turns extremely careful when she's around these kids. My baby is very soon going to turn 8 but her maturity when she's around these kids makes me feel so proud. She's a caring big sister. The reason why Fari Di wants all the kids to be together during Christmas season. I promised to drop Lydia at their place last evening but unfortunately I got caught up with work and then with Ray.

The man was so wasted last night that I was shocked looking at the way he was behaving. Wouldn't lie when he pulled me closer to him last night my heart started beating in my mouth. Those blue eyes made my heart somersault after eight big years but then what he did next brought me back to reality. Ray being classic Ray!!!

'I whatttt???' he asked munching onto the hashbrown and I rolled my eyes saying

'Vomited!!! On my shirt!!!Eww you are gross Ray!!!' saying I started pouring him a cup of black coffee and he froze asking

'Shit!!! On your uniform??? Fuckkkk was I that bad?' he asked meekly and I rolled my eyes saying

'Worse!!! You wanted to kiss one of the waiters at Alfonso's!!!' I said handing him the cup and he was shocked.

'Did the girl slap me?' he asked and I rolled my eyes asking 'Who told you the waiter was a girl?' and he spat the coffee and I giggled plopping on the bed next to him and said

Ray n Riya (COMPLETED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن