Chapter 6: Duties And Doubts

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Grian sighed as he looked at the pile of books that was standing before him.

He never thought that one day he would've had to go through all of them again, but here he was.

Those books were given to him by the Watchers and when he escaped their realm he decided to bring them along.

After settling in Hermitcraft he had thought of throwing them away and yet he never did.
Everytime he tried he could almost hear a voice inside him telling him not to do it.

It was almost as if they held some sentimental value for him, his time with the Watchers wasn't that bad after all-
'NO, GRIAN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING?! Remember what Echo said, you must prove where you allegiance lies.' The dirty blond player shook his head.

'The Watchers are your enemies, those ruthless monsters never cared about you and never will. You're loyal only to the Hermits and the Evolutionists, NOT the Watchers'

H𝙹w cᔑn y𝙹⚍ bᒷ s𝙹 s⚍rᒷ?

Grian gasped and started looking at his surroundings frantically. Nobody was there. He was alone.
'ugh, all the stress of knowing Evo's condition must've gone to my head. I should really start looking for the right spell instead of standing still and doing nothing.' he told himself, trying to push all of his negatives thoughts away and wanting to calm his breathing down.

He took one book from the pile and sat on the ground.

'Alright so, Taurtis said he was able to come here using his an Netty's Server Pendent so I should probably take a look at mine too.' He thought.

Grian closed his eyes and started to concentrate his magic as a squared pendent appeared around his neck.

He took it off and laid it on the ground in front of him but when he opened his eyes he jumped back in surprise.

He expected the pendent to contain a yellow flame since that was Hermitcraft's specific color but he had never seen anything like that before.

Inside the pendent there were three different colored embers, all crashing against one another.

One was yellow and the more he looked at it, the more Grian felt comfortable. It looked very nice and warm, it kinda reminded him of Hermitcraft.

Another one was of a dark purple. Although it looked a bit weaker than the others it still shown bright. That made him remember his friends from Evo, although they weren't together, they would always share an unbreakable bond.

The last one was somehow different from the others. It didn't spark any good memories in Grian, it just looked like...
A lilac ember.

Realization struck him like a lightning. That wasn't any random flame, that was the same cruel and purple fire that destroyed Evo.

Suddenly he wasn't in his base anymore, he was back in Evo's spawn and everything looked exactly like in his last dream.

The player looked at his surroundings terrified. He was in the exact same spot where he was dragged away by the Watchers two years ago.

Grian's breathing started to speed up uncontrollably, everything looked exactly the same.

Same destroyed buildings.

Same purple flames.

Same friends screaming his name.

What started out as a low whisper was now becoming louder and louder.


X was sitting in a grass field near his base and was looking at his communicator with a worried gaze.

An admin's allegiance {ADOPTED} (Being Rewritten) [On Long Hiatus] Where stories live. Discover now