Chapter 5: Sightseeing With A Pinch Of Salt

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Grian shot awake gasping and, before he could do anything else, he fell off his bed.

He looked at the rest of his room while breathing heavily.

'this is new, I thought that having the Watchers haunting my dreams was enough but apparently I was wrong' he thought.

He got up and looked at Taurtis, who was still sleeping. 'Lucky he, I can't remember the last time I slept without having magical people visit me in my dreams!'

He then noticed how his friend's clothes were still torn and had an idea.

He quickly walked into the main room and started looking through the many chests. 'Come on! It must be here somewhere!' he thought as he kept on searching frantically through the chests.

'its probably over the-' his trail of thoughts stopped when he heard a creeper hissing from right behind him.

He jumped up screetching and closed his eyes, ready to be blown away... after a couple of seconds though, he realized that wasn't going to happen.

He slowly opened his eyes expecting to see a creeper but was met with a much smaller and feathery mob.

"Oh for Goodness' sake, you scared me Mr Beak!" Grian exclaimed while his parrot simply landed in front of him and started readjusting his feathers.

"Didn't we have a talk about how mean it is to startle other people by making them believe there's a creeper behind them?!" Grian asked with an inquisitory tone but Mr Beak didn't really seem moved by it.

"Whathever, I have a little favor to ask you... If you do it correctly I might even give you a full piece of bread." Grian said as his parrot turned towards him, now giving him full attention.

"I need you to go wake Taurtis up, can you do that for me?" Mr Beak simply chirped happily and flew towards the room where the player was still sleeping.

"I'll take that as a yes!" Grian laughed.

The avian then went back to look through his chests 'aww, did I really throw it away? Well, I didn't have an actual reason to keep it anyway but- Oh there it is!' He thought as he pulled a blue t-shirt out.

Grian quickly took the rest of the outfit out. It looked exactly like Taurtis'. He had used it in the past with a... Friend of his.

The gremlin shook his head not wanting to be overwhelmed with old memories and walked towards another chest to grab a piece of bread for his parrot.

'Alright, this should be everything I need, now it's time to go see if Taurtis is-'


... awake' Grian chuckled before heading to the room his friend was currently in.

Taurtis was frantically swinging his arms around while Mr Beak just kept on flying around him.

The moment he saw that scene, Grian bursted out laughing.

"Don't just stand there! Help me!" Taurtis exclaimed, both imbarassed and scared of the situation he was in.

"Great job Mr Beak, you can come get you price now" Grian said when he finally managed to hold back his laughter.

He offered the piece of bread to Mr Beak, who just picked it up with his claws and flew away, probably looking for a quiet place to eat in piece.

"Wait you actually told it to wake me up?! You're a monster!" Taurtis exclaimed as he brushed himself off.

"Good morning to you too." Grian chuckled. "Look what I found!" He added while placing the outfit on Taurtis' bed.

An admin's allegiance {ADOPTED} (Being Rewritten) [On Long Hiatus] जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें