Chapter 3: Distorted Memories

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"You heard me correctly, I was an admin, an admin that failed miserably to fulfill his duties, but still and admin" Grian sighed as Taurtis sent him a contrived look.

"Hold up, hold up." Cub said as he stepped forward. "You're telling me that the same guy that had a weird obsession with chickens during season 6 and that started a freaking prank war was an admin?!"

The hermits might've sounded a bit mean by questioning their friend's abilities but Grian understood why they were doubtful: everyone knew the many responsabilies an Admin had and he was known for not being particularly reliable at times.

"Yeah and a pretty powerful one too!" Taurtis exclaimed, a bit offended by the hermits' reaction towards his admin.

"Why didn't you tell us anything about this G?" Mumbo asked after finally breaking out of his trance.

"Well... when the Watchers kindapped me from Evo they almost completely destroyed the spawn and I genuinely thought that all my friends were dead so... I simply didn't see the need to bring up these ghosts of mine to no avail other than worrying you." Grian's voice had a very obvious sad tone and Mumbo detected it in an instant.

"May I ask you some questions about the Watchers, Taurtis? I'd like to know more about them, in all the stories I've read about them they are considered kind and wise deities but considering what you said I'm pretty sure it's not true" X said, obviously wanting to know if the Watchers were to be considered a threat for the Hermitcraft server.

Grian's face clouded as painful memories of his training to become a Watcher flooded his mind.

Mumbo was the first to notice and quickly ran to his friend's side and put his hand on the avian's shoulder.

"It's alright G, you don't need to tell us if it's a touchy subject." The mustached hermit gave a warm and friendly smile to his friend.

Grian felt reassured by Mumbo's smile and decided that it was time to finally spill the beans.

"Thanks Mumbo but I think it's time for you to know the truth, and after all, I want to know what happened to my server while I was gone"

Mumbo moved his hand and replied with a simple "What are BEST friends for!"

A strange frown appeared on Taurtis' face but quickly turned into a smile as Grian turned to face him and gave him a nod.

"I assume most of you already know something about Evo since I heard one of you mention the fact that there's a legend of some kind about it"

Some hermits nodded but since others didn't, Joe decided to give a quick summary of said legend.

"For those of you who don't know, the Legend is about a server called Evo and its players. Basically the server was created in one of the earliest versions of Minecraft and some deities called Watchers guided the players to some particular portals that would bring them to the next version using riddles. One day though Evo and all of its players mysteriously disappearead without leaving any trace. Even the portal from the main hub disappeared which made many people question whether the legend is true or not."

Some hermits nodded to thank Joe for the information.

"Tsk, mysteriously disappearead they say... " Taurtis muttered under his breath before shaking his head and looking up at the crowd.

"Well to be honest at first the Watchers were exactly like the legend said they were: they gave us riddles to solve to find their bedrock portals and they gave us gifts if we did something good and punished us if we did something bad." The hermits nodded.

An admin's allegiance {ADOPTED} (Being Rewritten) [On Long Hiatus] Where stories live. Discover now