[Hold You Forever] [OG] -10.5- Rainy

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Hey there!
This is a bit of a different chapter, it's like a filler episode.
I wrote this because I just wanted to publish something, but also to tell you guys something important.That thing is that you shouldn't expect a chapter for the next couple of weeks, the reason is that I'm really busy with school right now. It's really stressful at the moment, because if I don't do my best the next couple of weeks, there might be a chance that I need to redo this last year. I want to avoid that as much as possible.
I hope you'll understand. Thank you!
Now then, have a good time reading!
(Please notify me on any grammar/spelling mistakes, so I can correct it ASAP)


Natsuki's POV

Club was over for today, Dan and I were the only ones left in the room. Even Sayori already went home.

I looked out the window, noticing that it was raining. Of course, right when I don't have an umbrella with me.

I sighed and walked out the clubroom, Dan was right beside me. Usually, the quietness between us was awkward, but today it is very comforting. We were silently walking through the empty hallways and towards the exit. "Natsuki?" "Hmm?" "Don't you have an umbrella?" "No I forgot it." I said as we stopped at the exit, looking into the distance where it pouring down like a waterfall.

"Crap man, even though I walk every day, my house still is quite a bit away." Dan sighed. I looked at him and said, "Why don't you just stop at my place, it's not as far as your house. You can wait there until the rain has stopped." His face got red and he looked at me. "R-really?" Crap, I think I'm blushing now too. "Y-yeah." I replied, hoping my dad wasn't home today. Usually he's just drunk somewhere, and if he even comes home, it's usually in the weekends.

"What are you looking at, dummy? Shouldn't we go already?" "Y-yes." We ran as quickly as we could through the rain, I was in the lead, since Dan didn't know where I live.

After about five minutes, we reached my house. I unlocked the front door and we both quickly stepped inside. My dad's keys were gone, so that must mean he isn't home. I walked to the bathroom and grabbed two towels. I didn't really want to shower since it always gets awkward that way in romance manga. Passing one to Dan, I said "Here, to dry your hair or something." "Ah, thanks." We entered the living room and sat down on the couch. At this point, the quietness between us is awkward once again. Dan was busy drying his hair with the towel I gave him, while just sighed. "I'm too lazy..." I simply place the towel on my head and closed my eyes.

I could hear Dan chuckle from the other side of the couch. But then something absolutely unbelievable happened.

Dan grabbed my towel off my head and started drying my hair. "Eh?! W-what are you doing, I-Idiot!" My face got as red as fire. "Didn't you say you were too lazy?" He smirked at me. "W-well, yes. B-but....ugh fine." I stared at the wall out of embarrassment while Dan kept drying my hair. It was actually extremely relaxing and I got rather sleepy as a result. When Dan thought he was done, he checked it by feeling my hair. Which got my face blazing once again.
"I think it's dry now." I simply hummed as a reply.

I closed my eyes again and laid down on the couch, not knowing that Dan was right there next to me. I laid my head right onto his lap. I didn't really care though. What I did care about was him playing with my hair and caressing my cheeks. Although I was really tired, I opened my eyes and looked straight into his. We kept staring at each other until we subconsciously moved our faces closer. Right when we were a couple of inches away, we stopped for a second. I saw his eyes glance at my lips in that one second. Was this really the moment? We moved again to close the gap.

But when I opened my eyes again, I wasn't met with another pair of lips. What I did see was Dan looking embarrassed at a picture Sayori showed him. "Look Natsuki! Isn't this a cute picture?!" She showed me a picture of Dan and I sleeping against each other. "Sayori!" And I hid my face in Dan's arm. Which I shouldn't have done, since Sayori snapped a picture right away.


Hopefully you guys liked this 'filler episode.' Thank you for reading, voting and commenting! Until next time, laters!

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