[Hold You Forever] [OG] -8- Angelic

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Welcome to ze eighth chapter!
Btw, I wanted to tell you guys that I added the tag 'Fluff' after I finished writing this chapter. So you better be ready for some Fluff action!Have a good time reading!
(Please notify me on any grammar/spelling mistakes, so I can correct it ASAP)


Natsuki POV

Whoever thought it was a good idea to let a small girl like me carry a sleeping Idiot, is probably an even bigger idiot.

Although I didn't actually 'carry' him, it was more like dragging him behind me. Everybody who didn't understand what was going on most likely thought I just killed some guy and was now going to hide his body in the basement. I would've probably thought that too. But no, I wasn't plotting to kill somebody today, it was more like the other way around. This stupid Idiot was trying to murder me by bombarding himself onto me.

I finally laid him down on the couch and put some covers on top of him. I felt his forehead to get a bit of an idea what his temperature could be. Jeez, that's really warm. He started to move and stared at me with a vague expression, "Wow, are you an angel?" With that, I exploded into laughter. "Hahahaha you stupid Idiot, of course I'm not an angel." "But, you're so...so pretty!" "H-huh?!" Heat rose up to my face, and I almost wasn't able to think of any words. "I'll g-get you something t-to d-drink! Yeah!"

I ran around trying to find the kitchen while at the same time trying to calm myself down. Did he just say what I think he said? That Idiot is so gonna get it if he's messing with me. Once I found the kitchen, I started to open every cabinet to look for tea. After searching for about a minute I finally found some. Now let's hope he likes orange tea. I heated some water, poured it in a glass, grabbed some sugar cubes and put the teabag in. I walked back to the living room where Dan was 'sleeping' and placed the tea on the table. "I hope you like orange tea, because it's the only kind I could find." He looked up at me groggily and said, "Yeah, I love... orange tea." I almost choked at what he said, if this keeps going I'm going to beat him up no matter what.

"I'll get some medicine for you too, is it also in the kitchen?" He looked like he was thinking, "Yeah, think so." I nodded and walked back to the kitchen. After another five minutes I found the medicine and went back to find Dan sleeping. Even though he looked so peaceful, I had to wake him up for his medicine or else he will never feel better. "Hey sleepyhead, wake up, you need to take your medicine and drink your tea." He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me, "Thank you, pretty angel, for taking care of me." My face would probably feel even hotter than his after what he just said. "N-n-no p-problem, and by the way I-I'm not an angel, let alone p-pretty." I said getting more embarrassed every second. He just looked at me confused. He then took his medicine and drank his tea.

I sat down in front of Dan on the floor, I was a bit tired from all of the running through his house. I sighed and leaned my head back. But then, I felt something in my hair. "You have really soft hair." Dan was apparently playing with my hair. Dan. Was. Playing. With. My. Hair. I don't think I can handle this much longer. I just gave up resisting all the nonsense Dan has been saying this day and closed my eyes. His hands felt really relaxing going through my hair. But his movements slowed down soon after, he must be getting sleepy. "You know," he started sleepily, "if you're tired....you can lay down too..." I heard him pat down the spot next to him. Is he still serious?! Ah what the heck, it's not like this day can get any crazier. I turned around to see he had made some space for me on the couch. My face probably glowed so much that it was visible even a couple blocks further. I laid down next to Dan facing him only to then meet his eyes. He played with my hair again until the movements stopped completely and we both fell asleep.


Holy shit, this chapter was so much fun to write! Luckily it is far from over hehehe... Well then, see you laters alligators!

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