[Hold You Forever] [OG] -5- Spark

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Welcome once again! But this time to ze fifth chapter!

I really am on a roll with this fanfic, well that's what I think at least xDWell anyway, please enjoy this chapter!(Please notify me on any grammar/spelling mistakes, so I can correct it ASAP)


Natsuki's POV

Stupid dust, why does it even exist? But maybe if Monika doesn't always push my manga collection all the way to the back of the closet, it wouldn't get so dusty. *sigh*. "Finally, the dust is gone." I crossed my arms and looked at my clean manga collection with satisfaction. "That should do the job pretty nicely." I straightened a couple of the volumes one last time and closed the door, which made quite an awful noise. If you'd hear it you would think it was ripped straight from a horror movie or something along those lines.

I turned around only to meet the eyes of a specific idiot I've encountered far too much the last couple of days.
But instead of getting angry right away, I could not help but laugh. I've never seen someone look so terrified, he looks like he had just seen a dead body or like he was going to be the next. But all the other club members were probably more surprised that I was laughing so loud. "Sorry for being so loud," I said while calming down, "It's just that big idiot over there, why does he look like he has just seen himself in the mirror?"

"Hey I don't look that bad!" His terrified look turned into an irritated one. "Sure dude, keep telling yourself that." "What is this, a déjà vu?" Dan muttered. "But anyway, why is that stupid retard even here? Does he want to get beat up by me?" I heard him stifle a laugh, but he quickly stopped when I shot his soul down with my glare. "Oh Daniel is the new club member Sayori told us she was bringing." Monika told me. "What?! Out of all people Sayori, you brought HIM?!" I was getting a tiny bit annoyed. "Yeah Natsuki, I thought Dan would fit right in here and since he also reads manga, you two both have someone to talk with." Sayori got a little bit too excited, as usual.

"Ugh whatever." And I walked back to the corner where I always read my manga, without any interruptions. Everyone else went back to whatever they usually do, Yuri was reading some mad horror story at her usual spot, Monika was checking the club schedule for the upcoming weeks and probably organizing some things. Well she is the club president. Sayori was probably telling Idiot what this club was about, what he could do when he's here and what kind of activities he could expect.

I just ignored the rest of what they were doing and enclosed myself in a world of cliché romance manga. I mean, everybody likes some good cliché once in a while, don't they? But when I finally got to the chapter with the good stuff, someone walked up to to pull me out of that wonderful world. I heard the footsteps and looked up only to see the one and only Idiot.

"Ugh, what do you need? I was just getting to the good stuff." I said maybe a little too aggressive. "Ah I'm sorry, b-but I come in peace!" I tried my best to hold my laughter. "W-well then, what is your purpose?" I almost lost it when I said that. "I um- I brought some manga I thought you might enjoy." My eyes lit up instantly. "Really? Which genre?" "Some good old shounen action!" He started to dig through his bag until he found it and held it in front of my face. My Hero Academia huh, I sure heard of it but never read it.

"Well it looks decent enough and I've heard a lot about it. It's just that shounen is one of the genres that's not really my type but I'll give it a try." I patted the spot next to me for him to sit down. Really weird how he can change my mood with just some manga, how the heck did I let this happen so easily? He looked hesitant but sat down after a couple of seconds, he scooted a little closer to me and opened the first volume on the first chapter.


There ya have it, their relationship is finally starting to spark a little bit.Well, thank you all for reading and then I'll see you next chapter!

('ω' )

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