[Hold You Forever] ~23,5~ Ambience

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Welcome to zis Special Chapter!
So sorry it took this long for me to update again, school has its busy times once in a while.
Anyway, hope this'll satisfy y'all.
(Please notify me on any spelling/grammar mistakes, so I can correct them ASAP)


Dan's POV

Yesterday night, Monika sent an e-mail to all of us club members. The e-mail contained some information about what we are planning to do with Christmas, or more like what we are gonna do with the clubroom. And so her e-mail said that the teachers have finally started decorating the school and have also decided that each clubroom gets a Christmas tree.

Of course that's pretty nice and all, but Monika decided as the club president to take it a step further. By that I mean that she requested us to all take something to do with Christmas with us. That may be decorations, food, clothing, even Christmas music if you were really dedicated.

And now I don't know what everyone's taking with them, but I'm definitely doing the decorations; I have way too much of that stuff. I also don't know why, but I have always loved giving rooms a winter holiday feel, this time of year is by far the best time.

And so we are now all busy decorating the clubroom, really trying to give it the Christmas vibe. Sayori was giving the Christmas tree more life by adding some ornaments out of her wide collection. Yuri got us all some outfits, like on a cosplaying level, but thinking that'd be a bit too much I just ended up wearing some antlers and a red nose. Meanwhile, Monika stood in front of the clubroom, watching over everything like she was directing an orchestra. Oh, and she also brought Christmas music.

But just as I wanted to explain that we didn't yet find out where Natsuki was all this time, the little pink-haired devil barged in. "Heya, sorry guys, I had to pick up some of my baked goods which I left behind at the school kitchen. It was probably the safest place in school to keep them for an entire day." She explained as she put the basket that she was holding on a nearby desk.

Monika showed her well known smile, "It's fine, Natsuki. You're here now, that's what matters most." She told Natsuki reassuringly. "Wow, this clubroom looks way livelier at Christmas! We should do this more often!" Her face lit up after seeing what the clubroom has turned into. "Ya know Suki, there's a reason we only decorate this room like this once a year." I sweatdropped. "O-oh Natsuki... I have something for y-you." Yuri called her over to the back, probably for one of her outfits. Now I would be lying if I told you I wouldn't want to see Suki in any type of Christmas outfit...

"Are you ki-!" Well that was an expected reaction. I could also hear Yuri distantly murmuring something about it looking cute on her or something. It was rather surprising to see Yuri act this way, guess this is something she really enjoys, huh. Not long after, Suki and Yuri came back up front again, Natsuki now wearing a Santa hat and cape... (?) while Yuri was smiling from ear to ear not to far behind her. Yuri was certainly telling the truth when she said Suki would look cute though.

"Ugh whatever, I'll just go and help that dummy over there before he accidentally destroys the clubroom or something stupid like that." Natsuki said; clearly annoyed and embarrassed. "Oh come on, I'm not that clumsy, am I?" Everyone looked at me strangely and turned their heads away without giving much of a response. Some friends they are. "Dang, I didn't know you had some kind of 'fetish' over Christmas decorations..." Natsuki remarked as she scanned through the giant box of equipment.

"I uhhh... I think the word 'fetish' might be a bit too much?" I sweat-dropped, "Uhh yeah, that's exactly why I used that word, dummy." She chuckled, which got me to notice that there were some crumbs apparent on her left cheek. "So I see you've already gotten to taste some of your cookies, huh?" I mentioned as I subtly wiped the crumbs from her slowly reddening face. "W-well, of course! I made them myself after all."

"Hmm... Is there any chance I could get such a privilege too, seen as to what my rankings are in my relationship to you?"

"Ah, so that's what you're after." She narrowed her eyes at me suspiciously.

"Maybe... Maybe not... Who knows what my true motives are?" As I hid all my intentions behind my masterful pokerface... plus red nose and antlers

"Well whatever your true motives may be, you'll have to wait 'til later if you want some cookies." She stuck out her tongue at me; rather playfully, too.

"Well, you're in bad luck Suki. Because I'm not as patient as you hoped I'd be, so I'll just have to do it my way then." Natsuki looked at me confused, meanwhile I just smiled at her. And with that, I grabbed both her shoulders, pulled her down with me —to the point no-one would be able to spot us— and immediately closed the distance between the two of us.

The roughness caused by the surprise quickly changed to its opposite due to familiarity. It also surely was more intimate than last time, but that might be since a lot had changed between us. We both also gave in more easily this time around, which actually isn't that strange from my perspective now that I think about it, seen that I was the one who initiated it. It also tasted like... cinnamon? Guess that's pretty obvious. Gave it some Christmas vibes.

Of course, it didn't carry on for long at all. We're still in the clubroom after all. Meanwhile, Suki's face had turned almost just as red as the rest of her Christmas outfit. And with that, she punched me on my arm, hard. That's definitely gonna bruise all right...

"Hey Suki, those cookies taste great! You should make them more often!"


Could we all pay some respect to Dan's poor red nose, which got lost within the sudden events that took place near the end of this chapter?

Thank you.

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Happy holidays and best wishes everyone!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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