[Hold You Forever] [OG] -9- Compliment

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Welcome to ze ninth chapter!
Here we continue right on from the last fluffy chapter.I really can't wait to write another 'fluff' chapter, they're so much fun to write!
Well whatever, have a good time reading!
(Please notify me on any grammar/spelling mistakes, so I can correct it ASAP)


Dan's POV

I woke up slowly, feeling a lot better than before. I don't know how I suddenly felt so much better. But then I noticed something small within my arms, or rather, someone. When I looked at her, I could see it was Natsuki. What the- First of all, why is she here, and second, why the heck is she laying next to me? Well, I can't say I'm not enjoying it. It feels really nice to hold someone so close between your arms, and she smelled really sweet, like strawberries or something. A few strands of hair were hanging in her face, and I couldn't help but push them to the side. Her hair was extremely soft. Maybe I should stop now, if she woke up, I would be dead. So I stopped, and just stared at her cute sleeping face for a couple of minutes.

And then, slowly but surely, Natsuki woke up. She stared straight into my eyes and I could see blush forming on her cheeks. "W-why are your arms around me? Idiot." "Oh, s-sorry!" I pulled my arms away instantly. "Hey Natsuki, why are you here?" "Are you asking why I'm here in general or why I'm laying right next to you?" "P-probably both." "Well, the original plan was to come visit you and tell you about the upcoming festival, but that plan failed the moment you opened your front door." "What do you mean?" "You actually collapsed on top of me." "H-huh, I did that? Did I hurt you?" "What, do you think I'm weak or something?!" "No, I was just worried." "Hmm fine, as to why I'm laying here next to you, is because I was tired and you yourself offered me to lay down next to you." What, I did that? Why can't I remember? "Did I do anything else weird?" She looked away embarrassed. "O-oh uhm...n-n-no..." I didn't believe her one second. "Yeah, I don't believe you at all. Tell me, what kinda crap did I do this time?" "This time? So you do that often when you're sick?" "Unfortunately, yes. I usually say weird stuff  when I'm sick. And the things I say are usually things I want to keep to myself."

"Well, you said I was a beautiful angel and you played a lot with my hair, saying it was really soft." Shit! I went that far?! How am I gonna respond to this? "U-uhm, n-normally I don't really do s-such things when I'm sick." I scratched my neck nervously. She smirked at me evilly, "Hey Dan, do I remember correctly?" Crap! Here it comes! "W-w-what?" "About you saying 'the things I say are usually things I want to keep to myself'." "O-oh, did I really say that?" "I'm one hundred percent sure." I looked away while blushing. "Hey Natsuki! Would you look at the time! It's already 7:30 PM!" "Hmm, really?" She looked around until she found the clock, saying it really was 7:30 PM. "Well then, you got saved by the time. But don't you think this is over, I will get to the bottom of this, you Idiot!" I rolled my eyes at her and walked with her to the front door.

"By the way Dan, before I got bombarded by you, you remember that my original plan was to inform you about the upcoming festival and the preparations for it, right?" "Oh yeah, but what's this whole festival thingy?" "Well, it's this yearly thing where every club shows what they do and what they're about." "Ah, that's why I haven't heard of it..." "Anyway, it has already been decided that you're going to help me bake cupcakes." I thought I was actually able to see a spark in her eyes when she talked about baking. "Sure I guess, but I have never baked any cupcakes before." Natsuki sighed. "You're so hopeless, but that's why you got me I guess. We'll talk about a date and time for the baking later, alright?"

Natsuki was about to walk out the front door, but I decided to stop her. "Uhm Natsuki?" "Yeah?" "Thank you for taking care of me, I already feel a lot better after just a couple of hours." I said while patting her head, "Who wouldn't say that you have soft hair?" Wait what? "HA! You just confirmed it yourself!" I sighed and looked down embarrassed.

But then, suddenly, I felt something soft touch my cheek. Even if it was just for a second and just on the cheek, the kiss still felt amazing. "That's a 'thank you' for your compliment." She said while blushing. After that we said goodbye and she left to go home. Even after I closed the door, I still had my hand on the spot where she kissed me.


Hehehe, things are starting to heat up now...

And I'm probably just as excited as you are. (If you even are excited xD)Till next chapter, (Д)

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