[Hold You Forever] [OG] -4- Rumors

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Welcome to ze fourth chapter!

I don't know how it happened, but I really was on a roll this time.It turned into quite a long chapter for my standards.Well that's all I wanted to say for now hihi.I hope you'll enjoy!(Please notify me on any grammar/spelling mistakes, so I can correct it ASAP)


Dan's POV

I was waiting in front of Sayori's house, but of course, she sure was taking her time.
While I was waiting, I thought again if Natsuki would like the genre of manga I took with me.

But then finally, Sayori exited her house and skipped over to me.
"Good morning Dan!" "Good morning Sayori. So, you finally decided to get out of bed, huh?" I smirked.
"It didn't take that much time for me to get out of bed." She pouted and punched my arm lightly.
"Keep telling yourself that Sayori." I laughed and started walking to school.
"Hey, wait for me you bully!" She shouted as she ran after me.

We were walking in quite a fast pace, since Sayori took so much time to roll herself out of bed.
But it looked like Sayori was able to change her mood in just under a minute. That must be some sort of a world record right? "Hey Dan, you brought the manga right?" "Of course I did, I'm not that stupid Sayori." "Keep telling yourself that, Dan." My left eye twitched out of annoyance.

"But anyway, what kind of manga did you bring Dan?" My eyes lit up and I instantly got into a good mood too. Guess I'll take that world record, huh. "I got some of the best recent shounen manga that I possess in my collection! I present to you..." I announced while digging in my bag, "It's My Hero Academia!" "Oh wow, looks interesting Dan." "Sure is, do you want to read it too?" "Nah sorry, manga isn't really my thing." I sighed, I'll never get her to read manga if it keeps going like this.

"I hope for you that Natsuki likes it." I looked at Sayori confused. "Well, she might kill you if she doesn't like it." "H-huh? Really?" "Yeah, you never know what Natsuki might do and especially, what she keeps in her closet..." Sayori said in a frightening tone. "W-well, do you know what she keeps in her closet?" I asked worryingly.

Then Sayori started to laugh. "So you're not so tough after all, huh?" Why does Sayori always do these kinda things to me. I muffled a "Whatever." and quickened my pace.

We eventually reached school and we parted ways for the rest of the day.
While I was in my classes, even though it was a joke, I was unable to forget about what Sayori said.
I mean, Natsuki really seems like a person to kill somebody she doesn't like. And what if she hides the dead bodies in that closet Sayori was talking about? Maybe I'm stressing too much about the whole situation.


The bell rang, indicating that school was over and the club sessions were starting.
Before I had the chance to leave my desk, Sayori was already standing in front of me.

"Heya Dan, had a good school day?" "What kind of question-" "We don't want them to wait all day, do we?" She said dragging me to her clubroom. "How many people were in your club again?" "Four including me, why do you ask? Are you nervous or something?" Sayori said smirking at me. "W-what? No!" "Jeez, you don't need to shout."

We arrived at our destination, the classroom of the literature club. Before we entered the room, I closed my eyes and quickly prayed that this wouldn't be the last place I entered (insert lenny face). Then Sayori dragged me into the classroom and...

I opened my eyes slowly and muttered, "Am I still alive?" Sayori look at me confused and bursted into laughter quickly after that. "Y-you still believe t-that, Dan?" She wiped the tears out of her eyes. My face lit up with embarrassment. "S-shut up, you can never be too sure!" I looked away to hide my face but when I did that, I saw two girls looking at us. A girl with long dark purple hair and another girl who I recognized as Monika. Monika was that typical popular girl who is way out of everyone's league, well, my league. Not that I care though, those girls really aren't my type.

"O-oh, hello." I waved awkwardly, "I'm Daniel, n-nice to meet y'all." "Oh, so you were the one Sayori told us she was bringing." Monika said. Now I was really confused, Sayori and I only decided that I would come with yesterday, so how the heck could they know about- Sayori huh. "Anyway, I'm Monika! It's nice to meet you Daniel!" "A-and I-I'm Yuri, nice to m-m-meet you." The purple-haired girl said. I shook their hands, ya know, trying to be polite.

After that, I turned around to look at Sayori, who suddenly looked really nervous. "So Sayori, what was the real reason you brought me here?" "W-well, I k-kinda told them I was bringing a new member today..." "You what?!" "Hehehe, surprise...?" Before I was able to continue our discussion, I suddenly heard a door creaking. I turned towards the sound and... There it was, the closet. I could also see a small pink-haired girl trying to hide something inside it.
Are the rumors really true?!


And here we are once again, at the end of the chapter.Thank you so much for reading this and for your support.Until next chapter, see y'all then my friends!

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