twenty two

16 0 0

-8 months-
I wake up to no Austin but a note saying had to go to the studio be back by five need me just call. I go to get up after reading it an notice that my bed is wet so I yell for Momma C an she comes running in. "Oh my Paislee today is the day stay right there an let me get the pads." Momma C says. I start to freak out but she comes in with the pad I would need an tells me what to do an I do it an she helps me downstairs an on to the couch. "Relax I will need to time the contraction wait till there a minute apart so relax an watch tv ok." Momma C says. I nod my head an she gets me some water an soup because she said it would be fine an Claire cane down an started jumping up an down. "We get to meet Sofia today." Claire says. "Calm down it might not be tomorrow it might be early tomorrow morning depending on how fast Sofia wants out." Momma C says. "She is right an Momma C will you call my mom so she can get a baby sitter for Ryan an tell her to not say anything to dad if she does don't tell Austin." I say. She nods her head an walks into the kitchen after telling Claire what to do. "Are you exited you get to meet your baby girl today or early tomorrow morning?" Claire ask. "Yea more nervous than anything Claire time it Im having a contraction." I say. I squeeze the stuffed Teddy bear while I have a contraction until it stops then I relax. "That looks like it hurt." Claire says. I glare at her an go back to eating my soup till my mom comes running into the house. "Paislee are you ok is it time to take you to the hospital?" Mom ask. "No mom it's not time an Im fine the contractions are only two hours apart." I say. She nods her head an we sit down an watch tv till my phone rings an realize that it's all ready one pm so I answer the phone knowing it is Austin.
Austin:Hey Paislee how you doing an how is the baby?
Me:We are doing good Austin no need to worry.
I get that out an I have another contraction only this time the pain was bad an it caused me to scream an it only lasted for five minutes an then I pick th's phone back you because I dropped it.
Austin:Paislee please tell me your not in labor.
Me:Um sorry but I can't I have been in labor for all most three hours now.
Austin:Im on my way home an you can't stop me be there in a few love you.
Austin hangs up an I groan. "He is coming isn't he?" Momma C ask. "Yep an I probably want be giving birth until later tonight. " I say. "You never know that contraction was fifty minutes apart from the last one." Momma says. "I want some water." I say. Claire gets up an gets me some ice water an I drink it. "Paislee Im here." Austin says. He runs to my side an sits on the floor next to the couch after kissing me. "Hey Sofia daddy is here now an me an mommy are ready to see you." Austin says. Before he could get anything else out she kicks an when she kicked it hurt an I have another contraction. "Ok get the back we are getting you to the hospital now." Momma C says. Claire grabs the bag an Austin helps me up an they get me to the car an we go to the hospital an the paparazzi followed us there an they were swarming around me an looking the entrance. "Look here you paparazzi people move out of the way before I make it were you don't have a job anymore." I say. They move an Austin gets me into the hospital an the nurses get me into a room an changed into a gown an into the bed an hooked up.  "Hello Paislee we are just going to check an see how many centimeters you are." Doctor Smith says. I nod my head an turn my head away an pull Austin to my side were he can't see. "Well Paislee your about eight centimeters along it's a God thing you got here fast or you probably wouldn't of made it I will come back in an hour an you should be ready." Doctor Smith says. I thank him an he walks out an I look at Austin an smile. "An hour an we will get to see our baby girl." I say. "I know it's amazing." Austin says. I brace my self for another contraction then lay back down an see the nurses bringing the stuff in an I look at Austin. An hour later the doctor comes in tell me Im ready an ask who I want in the room because I can only have to. "Austin of course an I want Claire also since she is the God mother." I say.the rest leave an Claire an Austin step beside me an grab my hands an the doctor get me ready an has me push. I push for about fifteen minutes an soon Sofia Claire Mahone is in the world an played into my arms. I smile as Austin cuts the cord an then looks at me an her an starts crying. "Hi Sofia it's mommy." I say. Sofia blinks a few times an looks up at me with brown eyes. Soon the nurses have to take her away to make sure she is Ok an I go to sleep.

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