chapter three

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I woke up to my alarm going off so I got up an went to get dressed in my dance clothes an went to wake Claire up. "Claire we have dance class today get up." I say. She rolls over an out of the bed an I put my shoes on an grabbed my bag an went downstairs. "Morning mom dad." I say. "Morning sweetie we got breakfast ready." Mom says. "Sweet heart have you thought about starting your singing career?" Dad ask. "Yea I have an Im not to sure just yet." I say. "Well think about it Paislee because I need to know we need a new singer." Dad says. "I know now drop the subject please I don't want Claire to know just yet an we have dance class." I say. "Ok sweetie well have fun an swing by the office today we need to know your discussion today." Dad says. "Ok I will." I say. Claire comes down an we eat then we go to my car an I drive off to school. "Hey um Claire what would you do if I became famous?" I ask. "As what a singer, dancer, or actress?" "A singer." I say. "I would love that Paislee as long as Im a backup dancer." Claire says. "Of course I can't sing with out my favorite dancer beside me." I say. "So when you telling your dad?" Claire ask. "Well he has been pushing for me to become a Singer an I have to go by after class an tell him." I say. "Oh so he has been pushing this?" Claire ask. "Yea but hey I haven't really thought about it until today when he said he needed my answer with summer about to start." I say. "Ok well we are stopping by a restaurant before hand." Claire says. "That's fine but we are here let's go." I say. I park an we get out an grab are bags then walk into the dance studio part of the school. "Ok class ever one is here so today we will be dancing to Austin Mahone mhm yea." The teacher says. Claire smirk at me an we get in line an the song starts an we go through it about five times then class is over. We walk out an I drive to McDonald's an we order fries an burgers plus bottle water an I drive to the studio. "Hello Paislee third floor studio C1." The reception says. I nod my head an we head up an I knock on the door an walk in an sit down on the coach. "Hey Paislee so you made your choice?" Dad ask. I look up an see my dad, James, an Austin staring at me. "Yes I have an I will be your new Singer but Claire here has to be my back up dancer." I say. "That's fine I will go get a contract ready for the both of you Claire call your mom she has to approve with you being just seventeen." Dad says. He walks out after that an I continue eating my food like it's no big deal. "Paislee you are about to be famous an your not cheering over it nether are you Claire." Austin says. "We are happy but we got food." I say. "All right Austin back in the Booth we have to finish this song." James says. I smile an Austin winks at me then goes back in the booth. Austin starts singing an he is really good an James works with him. "Paislee Im going to step out an call my mom." Claire says. "Ok that's fine don't wonder off because you don't have a pass." I say. "Ok I want." Claire says. She walks out an I go back to playing on my phone an eating French fries. I go on snapchat an take a picture of Austin an James an caption it all ways working then I posted it on instagram an twitter. My phone started blowing up then an I laughed an just retweeted stuff. "Did you really post that picture?" Austin says. "Yea I did got a problem with it?" I ask smirking. "Yea I do." Austin says. "So what you going to do about it?" I ask. Austin smirk an grabs me an starts tickling me. I laugh an fall of the couch an Austin is on top of me still tickling me. "Say I love you Austin an I will let you go." Austin says smirking. "Fine I love you Austin." I say. He quites an gets up an then pulls me up. "I love you too Paislee." Austin say. "An got it did you get it James." Claire says. Me an Austin turn an see both Claire an James on there phone then I hear my phone go off an I grab it an see that both James an Claire posted the video of me an Austin on on instagram then shared it on twitter. "Why did you do that?" I ask. "Because we can an y'all are adorable." Claire says. I glare at her an then my father comes in an has us sign the contract an we do. "Well Paislee you are now a singer." My dad says. I smile real big an hug him then Claire. My dad laughs an walks out calling out that he will see me at home. "Well congratulations Paislee your dreams are finally coming true" Claire says. "Yea they are an I can't be more happy." I say. "Hey Paislee why are you wearing that?" Austin ask. I look down at what he meant an laughed. "I had dance class today an this is normally what I wear for that class an didn't think to change." I say. He nods his head then I say bye to everybody an me am Claire leave an I drop her off at her house an I go home an am greatest by my mom shouting about how happy she is an all that then we eat supper an after that I go upstairs take a shower an go to bed.

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