chapter five

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I woke up at six clock an took a shower an painted my nails then done my makeup an got dressed. I run downstairs an see a note from my parents. It said that they would be gone all day an they wish me luck on the interviews. I looked around the kitchen an found breakfast stuff like eggs an bacon an cooked it. "Morning Paislee how are you up all ready?" Austin ask. "I have this thing where no matter how much sleep I get Im always awake earlier in the morning an yea." I say. "Oh well what ya cooking good looken?" Austin ask. "Eggs an bacon but it's done now." I say. I separate the food an hand him a plate an go sit at the bar. "So Ms.Paislee tell me about yourself." Austin says. "Well Im eighteen born April 15, I love the color green, I have two dogs but there at the groomer right now um I listen to all kinds of music an I love to read." I say. "Well that tells me that your a geek." Austin says. "Guess that all because of my fake glasses good one." I say. I finish eating an brush my teeth an go get in my car with Austin fallowing. "Do we have time to get me clothes?" Austin ask. "No we don't but I will trust you with my keys an you can take it to get clothes." I say. He smiles an we get to the studio an there is a paparazzi everywhere so I climb out an Austin slides to the drive side an I run inside. "Hey Stacie I made it an a hour early too." I say. No one said anything but just stared at the the magazine in there hand an then looked at me. "What are you looking at?" I ask. Stacie tosses me the magazine an I see that me an Austin are on the cover from us walking out of McDonald's to working at the club then walking the beach to the shop then sitting on the rocks an it was titled Hollywood's next hottest couple maybe or maybe just friends. "Oh my gosh seriously they think having a normal day is a relationship." I say. "Well sweetie that's the part of fame you have to take it as it comes an not let it get to you but you have a song to release have fun." My dad says. He kisses my forehead an then Stacie an me go back outside an get into the limo. "We will have to hire you secerty I will schedule the meeting for that tomorrow morning." Stacie says. "Sounds good to me." I say. We get to the radio station an I go in an get set up. "Hello everybody we have Paislee Hartley here today an some fans have questions for you before we release your new song so here is Hope from Maine." The radio man said. "Hi Paislee first off Im so happy your finally going to sing but why are you doing it now?" Hope ask. "Hi Hope thank you an well Im out of high school now an the only reason I didn't come out sooner is because I wanted to be normal." I say. "Ok now we have Beverly from New York." The radio man says. "Hi Paislee um what is going on between you an Austin the magazines say dating but post say other wise an do you like him?" Beverly ask. "Hi Beverly don't believe everything you read in magazines me an Austin are just friends an do I like him well yea I do." I say. "Ok we are running out of time so here is Paislee Hartley's new song B.E.A.T." The radio man says. He clicks buttons an my song starts playing an then it's time for me to leave an my interviews go on like that for hours till lunch time. We get back to the studio an go into the cafeteria. I get my food an sit down with Stacie an talk to her. "So your single an why did you take this job?" I ask. "Oh asking questions now hm ok well Im in a relationship an I took this job because I love music an I just wanted to be a part of making little kids happy an making a singers dreams come true." Stacie says. "Well then that's a good answer an how old are you because you look real young." I say. "I am I just got out of college an Im twenty six." Stacie says. I smile an finish my food an skip out the door. "Were ya going you don't have the day off today we have to record more songs." Stacie says. "Im going to make sure Austin brought my car back." I say. I skip outside an see my car but Austin getting out of it an paparazzi all around him. "Stacie I need security." I say. I here Stacie yell something an then two security guards run out an help Austin. "Thanks Paislee I seen you look out an here's your keys." Austin says. "Your welcome now I have to go got an album to finish." I say. I skip off an I hear Austin laughing I get to the studio an record a few more songs an I get about ten songs done. "Let's call your dad in an see if he will let these ten songs be an album." Stacie says. I nod my head an she steps out an I look at the time an it's all ready ten pm an I lay down on the coach an take a small nap. "Good news Paislee you are done an that's your album we will do photo shoot for it tomorrow an press all week for it." Stacie says. I didn't hear her though because I done fell a sleep on the couch so she calls my dad who says to get Austin an him take me home an that's what happened.
(Album songs &name)
B.E.A.T Paislee Hartley
2.All about that bass
3.Made in the USA.
4.Neon lights
5.Play it again
6.Really don't care
7.We own the night
8.Love me harder
9.Give your heart a break
10.Honeymoon avenue

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