chapter eight

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I wake up at six an took a shower an dried my hair an let it fall naturally. I got dressed put a headband on an my jewelry then shoes an went downstairs. "Morning sweetie I will be working late tonight an want be home so don't burn the house down an no boys sleeping over." Mom says. I laugh an eat breakfast then race out the door an into the car. "Ok she is going to ask a lot of questions so be ready." Stacie says. I nod my head an we get to the studio an I walked in an they mic me up. "Answer the questions honestly an or say it's personal ok." Stacie says. "Ok I will but Im exited." I say. "Calm down your going time meet her in a minute." Stacie says. There is a knock on the door an Ellen comes in an hugs me. "Hello Paislee so nice to finally meet." Ellen says. "It's nice to meet you too." I say smiling. We talk an she tells me when to come out then left an I got to the side of the stage waiting. "Ok an we are back an today we have a special guest today so here she is Paislee Hartley." Ellen says. Once I here my music I walk out an wave at the crowd an hugged Ellen again am sat down. "Ok Paislee it's good to have you here an we have some questions to ask you." Ellen say. "Ok well ask away." I sat smiling. "Ok first one is your dad owns a record company that your signed to but why did you choice now to come out an not before?" Ellen asked. "Well I was planning to then I seen what it did to all the teens an how they wanted a normal teenage life an I decided I rather get my teenage life out an be able to be an adult so." I say. "Well Im glad you decided to come out now an when you did you caught the attention of a certain young boy but last night was a hard time for y'all an you two broke up but got back together what happened?" Ellen asked. "Well we are back together but last night I was mad that his fans would through something at me an leave a bruise it's healing up now but I was like ok if they don't like me that much then I should just stop it to keep them happy because he loves his fans an I love them but I don't know it was tough I cried after I took off." I say. "Well it's good y'all are back an the fans will just have to get over it." Ellen said. "Well I try to get it were they like me but I can't make everybody happy an at the end of the day as long as me an Austin are happy together Im good." I say. "Well what is next for you since you just released an album?" Ellen ask. "Well after this Im going home an packing because tomorrow Im going to Hawaii for a concert then after three days there two off Im heading to tour with Austin." I say. "Well that Sounds fun well you can buy Paislee new at your local store an see her on tour with Austin Mahone in a week an Paislee thank you for being here." Ellen says. I thank her an go to the fans an hug them an sign autographs an take pictures then went backstage. "You done amazing Paislee but now we need to get you some food an to a photo shoot with Austin." Stacie says. "Wait what I thought I was done." I say. "No your not after the photo shoot you are." Stacie says. I groan but fallow her to the car an climb in while waving to the fans. We go to taco bell an I order me food  an went to the photo shoot. "Paislee you are going to wear what you have fun an we will start now you can eat later." The photographer says. "Do what Im eating my food first." I say. The dude rolls his eyes an has his assistant to pull me to the thingy an me an Austin took pictures an once done I went to Stacie who had my food. "Stacie I don't like him an I don't want him to take my pictures ever again." I say. I take my food an stomp off an to the car an I begin to eat the food.  "Paislee are you ok." Austin says. Paparazzi swarms the car an my migraine starts getting worse from the flashes. "No get them away please." I say. I cover my face an it helps some but I don't remember nothing after that because I passed out.
          -two hours later-
I woke up in my bedroom an I looked around an seen Austin relaxing beside me. "You know you have a habit of making yourself at home." I say. Austin turns to me an smiles an shows me the coke in his hand plus gummy worms an I pout an he hands them to me. "What happened after I passed out?" I ask. We took you to the hospital but they said you was fine you just had a migraine from not eating an the flashes did not help but to take you home an when you wake up to make Sure you get something in your stomach then take those." Austin says. He points to the medicine so I eat the gummy worms then take the medicine an cuddle up to Austin. "Let's make a video letting the fans know your ok." Austin says. He takes my laptop an starts a live stream an tweets it an does the same on mine an instantly we have over a thousand people watching. "Hey guys it's me Austin an Paislee an we are just letting you guys know that Paislee is ok from earlier." Austin says. "Yea Hi guys Im fine I just didn't eat that very much this morning an with the day passing by fast I was getting hungry an then the dude taking pictures wouldn't let me eat after Ellen an I all ready had a migraine then the flashes from the paparazzi just caused the migraine to be worse causing me to pass out from pain but Im fine now." I say smiling. Austin keeps talking an I get up an go get me some sour patch kids an walk back into my room an Austin is still talking to his fans an answering questions but I go an lay down on my bed an eat the candy an Austin turns the camera toward me so it's me an him. "Do you guys have questions for Paislee or both of us?" Austin ask. The questions start popping up an I close my eyes an point at one. "Ok summergirl16 your question is fro Paislee an it ask do you really care about Austin."Austin says. "Of course I do this boy is my best friend an it's just a perk to be his girlfriend an I am happy I am with him." I say smiling. Austin awes an leans down an kisses me as I put a sour patch in my mouth an I laugh. "Well that didn't work but next question." Austin says. I laugh an that's how the rest of my day went until it was time for me to sleep an I showed Austin the guest bedroom an then I packed for the next day an went to sleep.

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