Lilia Ramos III

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That night I slept in Great Tio Carlos guest room while Marcus slept in the main bedroom. It was a small squared bedroom with two twin beds pushed against opposite sides of the sage green walls. The large window in between the beds let a dull glow from the moon inside. The worn area rug engulfed the floor and small trinkets and even more books filled the huge wooden shelf next to the door. I had sat on my bed for a solid hour simply mesmerized by the strange card Tio had left Marcus and I. It was metallic, but the opalescent divot in the center shone almost as if it's iridescent hue had a light if it's own. The divot in the card was about the size of my thumb.

Eventually I grew too tired to continue playing with the card, I changed into some spare pajamas Tio had stored for me in one of the bedroom's closets and tucked myself into a sweet sleep as a burrowed myself into the soft quilted blanket my grandmother had sewn for my great uncle decades ago.


I awoke to an array of knocks on the gest room door.

"Lili! Are you up yet? " Marcus called out from the other side of the door.

Still groggy from an interrupted slumber I grumbled a "hmmm yeah, uh, gimme uh, gimme a sec." I shuffle out of bed and made my way to the door once again to open it. "Good morning" I let out groggily.

"God, took you long enough to get up" Marcus awkwardly smiled. " I made some breakfast with stuff in the fridge if you want some. "

"Yeah, I'm freaking starving" I said shuffling out to the hallway.

We both walked over to the kitchen where we had been the night before.

I grabbed a plate and served myself some scrambled eggs from the pan on Tio Tio Carlos' gas stove top. Marcus had already eaten as his plate had only crumbs and smudged ketchup in a corner. Marcus was now sipping coffee out of Tios space mug- the same mug Marcus used last night.

"So I've been thinkin... we should take a look though the stuff in the back packs Uncle left us and maybe then head out one of the park grounds?"

I nodded while I ate. "Sounds good to me." Taking a gulp of water I nodded again. " This is kinda wild to me, like I'm not really a camping type of person so I'm not really sure what were going to do, I kinda expected Tio to be here to show us how it's done but he's not here...I just have this uneasy feeling..."

"Well, I... I personally love camping. You know how I come visit every summer?" Marcus asked.

"Every summer." I answered.

"Uncle Carlos takes me out to camp two, three, sometimes five days at a time when I come over. That's how I knew I wouldn't need to bring anything. He's always prepared everything we've needed." He smiled thoughtfully.

"I know Tio told he that a while back, I was always kinda jealous, I'm not the outdoorsy type."

"Well I love nature. L.A. is nothing like it he. Everything is so green a alive in a way it not back home. Plus Uncle is always full of surprises - he's almost never surprised when him and I go campling. It's as if he know what's gonna hit him next." Marcus added.

"I don't know about that Marcus." I got up to get more water by the tap. "Tio's been my biggest cheerleader but even he said you gotta be open to a world of possibilities. I don't necessarily think he's never been surprised, it's just that he understands there will always be something surprising so he expects something happen all the time"

Marcus raised an eyebrow but didn't immediately respond... "You could say that...but you aren't getting my point."

"What do you mean?"

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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