In yeop : hey yuna do you know our old principal is sick and admited to hospital so he resinged

Eunwoo : ya and today a new principal will come

Yuna : what happened to vice principal

In yeop : yestarday your brother fired him because he shouted at you

Yuna : really

Eunwoo : yes . Now come on we have to assemble on ground as new principal is arriving

They assembled at ground waiting for new principal then jin came and stand on the stage

Jin : hello students you all know me i am kim seokjin the owner of this school and from now on your principal also

Hearing this yuna mouth was open wide

In yeop : ya yuna close your mouth a fly might enter it

Yuna : oh shut up in yeop

Jin : ok now you all may go to class

All went to class expect yuna and the techers

Yuna was standing there with hands on her waist and glaring towards jin

Jin saw her gaze and guled hard in fear and all teacher were shocked seeing him scared : miss kim you also go to your class

Yuna went to her class and her homeroom teacher arrived

Teacher : good morning students today we have new students please come in and introduce yourself

????1: hello i am mina do not dare to come arounde or else you willl face consequences

????2 : hello i am riya just mind your own business

???3 : hello i am tia do not talk to me

Mina , riya , tia : and we three are triplets

Taecher : ok you all may sit

Yuna pov

Idk why am i feeling some odd aurora from these 3 girls but i shruged it off and jin oppa i will talk to you later

At lunch time

Yuna was walking in the corridor going towards principal's office while looking at her phone choosing a photo to set as her insta profile pic

She was walking but suddenly she bumped into mina and her sisters and both their phones fall

Mina : what the hell can't you see where are you going

Yuna : sorry

She picked up her and mina's phone also she gave mina's phone to her which was totally cracked

Mina : ya because of you my phone is all cracked

Yuna : its not totally my fault you also were not seeing where you were walking

Mina : how dare you (punches yuna very hard at nose )

Because of that punch yuna's nose started bleeding

Yuna : ( touches her nose and saw blood )you will regret it

Tia : let's see who will regret what

Mina : give me money to repair my screen

Yuna : but i don't have money

Tia : what a lie see unniee she is having latest model of Iphone , a very costly roleax watch , gucci clothes and she is saying that she did not have money

Riya : it must be given by her sugar daddy

Mina : i am again saying gavee money

A teacher : what is happening here

Mina : mam she broke my phone and now she is not giving money to repair it

Teacher : you four to the principal office now

They went to principal office

As soon as jin saw yuna nose bleeding he stood up

Jin : yuna what happened

Yuna : oppa they beated me because they bumped into me and their phone broke

Jin : WHAT

The triplets were shocked and now was very nervous sweat was forming on their forehead

Jin : why did you do that

Mina : sir she broke my phone and was not giving money

Jin gave some money on mina

Jin : take this money and repair your phone and you three are expleed from scholl for 1 week

Mina : what we are sorry sir

Jin : its not gonna work you now get out of my office

They get out of his office

Jin : is it hurting baby

Yuna : not that much oppa

Jin : you can rest in your private room ok

Yuna : ok

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