14 - Friday, December 11

Start from the beginning

My legs moved of their own accord, and I found myself dancing around the small stage, reveling in the sheer joy of the moment. What had begun as an impromptu jam session, a modest endeavor between three people, had unexpectedly unfolded into something magnificent. It was clear that the music was affecting the lingering people too. Even some teachers were moving in time with the music, further igniting the blazing flames of elation and adrenaline.

One figure in the room stood in undeniable prominence. Alex had dedicated most of her time to tidying up and ordering people around, but during one of the songs, the principal ventured towards her. The two of them danced for a minute or two, moving together like two teenagers, caught up in the moment as if oblivious to the fact that they were staff. It was a fun sight until they slipped away together and never returned.

My cheeks throbbed from the incessant strain of smiling, the muscles fatigued yet unwilling to relinquish their hold on joy. But in a stolen breath, a fleeting interlude, I sensed the precarious balance teetering on the precipice of endurance, a poignant realization that I had exceeded my limits.

I saw my guitar through blurred eyes, as if through a foggy window or a kaleidoscopic lens. The music, so intoxicating, had become too much, threatening to drown my senses. Fortunately, the final chord had already reverberated, intermingling with quiet cheers and casting a bittersweet hue over the moment.

A palpable sense of finality descended upon us, my strange feeling intensifying as Sophia put her arm around me. "You killed it," she exclaimed.

Fighting against the tendrils of discomfort that coiled within, a beaming smile graced my lips. "We sure did," I said before stepping away. "Um, I'll be back soon."

In the bathroom, I stood above the sink, a cautious stance taken with a preemptive instinct. The sporadic bouts of lightheadedness were my most detested affliction, but I knew it would inevitably surrender. All I needed was to catch a breath in my solitude and remind myself of the wretched alternative that awaited without the crutch of those substances that clung to my sanity.

Giving in to the momentary embarrassment until it gradually dissipated, I chuckled at myself with sheer amusement, leaving behind a tantalizing blend of adrenaline and joy. Determined not to allow this minor setback to derail my spirit, I confronted my reflection in the mirror, a smile on my lips, and set off again to indulge in a smoke.

I glided through the door and into the empty hallway, my voice harmonizing with random melodies. Each step I took was a dance, a celebration of unfettered bliss that flowed through me, casting away all inhibitions. But my senses were soon captivated by a whispering presence that teased the periphery of my vision, impossible to dismiss even amidst the dim shadows.

Alex was walking from the other end of the hallway, her amused chuckle directed at me mingling with the thump of her boots. Tonight, her outfit struck a captivatingly modern and less vibrant note, contrasting her usual style yet no less beautiful. I was starting to question if that woman was ever capable of disappointing.

"I see that part of you hasn't changed," Alex said, leaning against the wall. "And I still don't know where that voice of yours comes from."

I smirked, imitating her funky dance steps to an invisible rhythm. "You've got some impressive moves yourself."

Amusement danced in her eyes as she chuckled, shaking her head in mild disbelief. My dance halted, but the wide grin remained, the pounding of my heart drowning out the usual nervousness that plagued me when I stood in her presence.

"What are you doing here alone in the dark?" I asked.

"Just saying goodnight to Benjamin and making sure that Gabi is still alive," she said with a drawn-out sigh.

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