"That little..." One of them says and Mi Young stopped walking.

"Oh yea, dick head I forgot to tell you. Maybe the reason why you don't have manners is that your parents don't love you enough." Mi Young tells Tae Jin and dumped her drink onto his head before walking away from them and not sparing any look at any of Seon Woo's friends.

𓈒 𓆇 ˚🧚🏻‍♂️ ˳ .

"Mi Young" Seon Woo calls out and I turned back. "Wait. Can I talk to you?"

"Okay," I tell him and he looks at Hye Sun.

"Can I talk to her alone?" He tells her and Hye Sun looks at me for confirmation.

"Don't worry, I can handle him. See you at home." I tell her and she left.

"I didn't say anything," he says.

"Right. You didn't say anything at all." I tell him.

"Are you mad?" He asks and I just walked away.

"Hey, I'm talking to you." He says as he tries to stop me, "You can't just--" I ignored him and walked past him again. He then runs after me again and tried stopping me from walking away.

"Hit me until you feel better. I'll take it." He says.

"All right," I tell him and he was shocked that I agreed.

"What?" He asks in shock.

"Stick your face out then. If you don't before I count to three, I'll hit you anywhere." I say before clenching my fist. "One. Two."

"Hey wait." He says.

"Three," I say and bring up my hand to slap him but I stopped mid-way. He looked at me when he felt nothing. "You're aren't the one to apologize. But, you shouldn't have turned a blind eye to them saying such things." I walked away from him again and headed to my next class.

𓈒 𓆇 ˚🧚🏻‍♂️ ˳ .

"Did you hear? Da Young asks her friend.

"Hear about what?" Her friend asks curiously.

"The senior guys rated Mi Young by her looks." Da Young tells her.

"I did." Her friend says. "They said they didn't want her. I even heard that Seon-Woo sunbae was there too.

"I know. She should've known her place. But I still can't believe that Sunghoon sunbae is partnered up with Lee Dam though." Da Young says.

"Yea, I am so jealous. I should be the one getting Sunghoon as my partner. Lee Dam is so not his type, I think she'll fall for his looks and maybe seduce him" Her friend says. "I can't wait to see him rejecting her. Gosh, it's going to be so embarrassing." Before laughing out loud.

"Keep it down. They'll hear us." Da Young says before the both of them headed out of the lift.

𓈒 𓆇 ˚🧚🏻‍♂️ ˳ .

After my classes, I decided to head to the library to borrow some books for my upcoming project but I saw Lee Dam sitting all alone with a bunch of books surrounding her. I walked towards her and saw that she was working on a project that involved Tae Jin Sunbae and other people. I felt bad for her and decided to sit beside her to help her out.

"Dam, let me help you," I say as I take out my laptop to help her do some research.

"No, it's fine. Plus you don't even take this class and you're not in my group."

"Let me," I tell her as I sat down beside her and started doing research on her project.

After some time, both of us manage to finish the project before it got very late. Lee Dam thanked me for helping her but then again I couldn't bare to see her suffer like this. We said our goodbyes before going on our own separate ways.

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