Chapter 1: family troubles

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Hello and welcome!
I am the writer of this story and this is my first every story!
Now before this story will start there will be an NSFW warning in one of the chapters
So be aware if you might stumble across it
And this story might take a while to finish due to laziness or no motivation
And also if I make any mistakes with spelling, punctuation or anything at all let me know
So anyways enjoy!💕

You start to wake up from your bed only to hear screaming from your parents fighting again so you quickly get dressed.

Afterwards you go down stairs from your room to see a plate being thrown from your mother coming towards you.

The plate missed by not even an inch and you sighed of relief.

Your mother didn't care and continued to scream at your father.

You start walking into the kitchen and start making yourself some toast.

Your younger sister comes in and your older brother not long afterwards.

You finish making your toast and you start eating it.

Your mother is still screaming at your father while your other siblings start fighting over who gets the last can of soft drink.

You finish eating your toast and start walking up to your room.

"Y/N!!" Your mother yelled.

"Yes Mother?" You replied.

"Did I say you can leave?" Your mother questioned.

"No" you answered.

"So don't leave!" Your mother demanded.

But you continue walking away into your room.

As you walk into your room, your family starts screaming like crazy.

"Ugh, I wish I could just run away!" You whispered to yourself.

"Wait... that not a bad idea!" You whispered again to yourself while your family starts getting louder.

Now if your wondering why you want to run away well it's not that the fact your family is loud and annoying but also very controlling over you.

So for an example let's just say you want your friends to come over, your family would say no, or you want to go outside of the house, your family again would say no.

And also your father is very abusive but he doesn't harm you as much as your other siblings.

Your mother likes to torment you as much as possible though, like she always leave you on a leash outside during storms or when it rains.

So it would be a very good idea to run away.

After many hours of listening to your family scream and it's the evening you start to pack your belongings into a bag.

After packing you open a window and jump out of it.

You land on the ground safely and you start to run away.

You don't ever want to go near that house ever again and you keep on running.

You start running into a forest running more deeper and deeper inside.

You start stopping for a rest only to realise that would be a mistake...

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