Chapter 8

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Hyunjin was losing his mind. What was a night that he'd anticipated to be filled with warmth, laughter and a well-spent time with his mother and Felix, turned into horror. Once the ambulance came, the medics were left confused at the sight of a boy passed out on the ground, instead of the middle aged woman that they had been called to help.

Only after they confirmed that Felix seemed to have lost consciousness due to tiredness and there was nothing visibly worrying, did Hyunjin gather himself a bit so he could explain everything that had happened.

'I guessed that it might be something like that', one of the medics said, making Hyunjin frown in confusion. When the others nodded, he and his mother shared a look full of wonder and lingering fear.

'What do you mean? What exactly happened?', the brunette insisted, still kneeling next to Felix while his mother was now sitting down on the couch and getting her condition checked by the medics.

'You guys seem to be unaware but...fairies have, um, powers'

Hyunjin's eyes widened as he thought back on the golden light that was coming out of Felix's chest and surrounded the blonde and the elf's mother.

'They can heal others. Some of them can only help with small wounds and pain but other more gifted ones can even heal and erase serious illnesses', his mouth parted in shock and he whacked his brain for what to say before his mother spoke up before him.

'If fairies can do that then how come they aren't forced into hospitals to cure diseases? It would save lives.', the woman asked without any malice and simply out of curiosity. Hyunjin looked back at each of the medics' faces as he waited for their response. The two men and woman looked away and fiddled with their hands before the female was the one to sigh and speak up.

'This had been attempted, many years ago. However, the consequences for the fairies were not the best. Some lost all of their powers after having to deal with a deadly illness, others even lost their lives. So the fairies started refusing to help and since the elves were the species which demanded their presence in the hospitals the most, the whole situation caused a lot of tension which eventually...led to The War.', the silence in the room was cunning and the only thing Hyunjin could hear was the rapid beats of his heart and the soft breathing of the elves around him.

'I thought that the war started because the fairies refused to send advanced technology that they had gotten ahold of but I would've never thought it was the fairies themselves that they were protecting', Hyunjin's mum said quietly while the brunette rubbed his forehead, feeling a growing headache as he thought about all times he'd heard elves calling the fairy species 'selfish', 'heartless' and 'greedy'.

'The reality behind the situation was protected for many years but it still ended up being spread, I'm actually quite surprised that you two haven't heard of the real story.'

But that was the thing, wasn't it? The Hwangs have never cared about rumours, didn't even listen to them, they didn't turn on the news to grim their mood with what was being said and Hyunjin never listened to his classmates, too immersed in his own world and the desire to stay as far away from everyone as possible.

However, a scarier thought interrupted his previous ones and Hyunjin's body tensed as he looked at one of the medics.

'M-my mother has cancer...If Felix healed it completely then does it mean that he-', something tight was gripping Hyunjin's throat but no matter how much he tried to breathe it wouldn't loosen.

'We still need to bring your mother to the hospital for a full examination of her current condition. If he has erased her cancer than there are possibly consequences', a pathetic pained whimper escaped Hyunjin's lips as he looked down to Felix's sleeping form, 'but rest assured, if he was going to die, he would've been gone already', the medic said bluntly, making Hyunjin flinch back while his mother glared at the older man.

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