Chapter 6

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If, a week ago, you had told Hyunjin that he would be carefully listening as a tiny fairy is explaining to him in detail how to wrap presents, while Christmas carols are playing in the background in Santa's Workshop, he would most definitely have laughed in your face. Or he would've thrown up. Both seemed like pretty legitimate options.

However, there he was. Doing all of the things above and not only was Hyunjin not throwing up all over the place but he was, in fact, blushing, as said fairy guided Hyunjin's hands with his smaller ones. There were no gloves in their way this time around and the brunette could very well feel the (unbelievably) soft skin on Felix's hands. Oh, and about those shivers down his spine he had gotten last time? Yeah. He now had goosebumps all over his body from the contact of skin on skin.

Truly pathetic, indeed. That was what Hwang Hyunjin had turned into.

'Hyune, you need to pay closer attention! You keep zoning out!', said man blinked twice as he focused on Felix's smiley expression again.

Goddamn it. It was one of those smiles that reached the fairy's eyes.

How was Hyunjin supposed to focus on presents when all he could think about was his ridiculous, horrible and ever-growing crush that he seemed to be sporting.

'I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm focused', he lied.

'Then why are you trying to tape the place you already taped three times?', one of Felix's eyebrows crooked up and the elf looked down to find out that he was doing exactly what the fairy was saying.

Well, that's quite embarrassing.

'Uhm', he cleared his throat, 'My bad.'

Mariah Carey was singing from the small speaker on the side but Hyunjin couldn't even hear what she was going on about because Felix brightened up even further and threw his head back in laughter. The elf wasn't sure what was so funny but he found himself chuckling along and didn't care to stop himself from doing so.

'Come on, now', Felix turned the present around and took one of the prepared tapes to place it in the middle of two edges meeting together.

'Hm, perfect', the fairy exclaimed with a high-pitched tone and in all honesty, Hyunjin hated himself a little bit more the moment he thought that perhaps he could relate to what Mariah was singing about every single year on Christmas.

Truly pathetic.

'You're doing better though, it took us about half an hour less to finish up this present compared to the last two', Felix said cheerfully while he wrote down both his and Hyunjin's names on a piece of paper and put the wrapped box aside.

'I'm pretty sure that if we're going with that speed, one night will not be enough to finish all of these', Hyunjin murmured as he sent a glance to all the work which was waiting for them while he had been busying himself staring at the way Felix's eyes sparkled like Christmas lights.

'Don't worry, Hyune. You have me.', Hyunjin's heart skipped an embarrassing beat while Felix's eyes widened and the fairy spluttered before looking down.

'I mean- I know what I'm doing, I have it under control', he quickly turned his back to Hyunjin while he was spending several long seconds picking out the next present for them to wrap.

The brunette wasn't sure what came over him then but before he could think twice about it, he took two steps forward, leaving barely any distance between his chest and Felix's back and leaned down to murmur next to the blonde's ear:

'Of course, I wouldn't dare doubt the most hard-working elf here'.

It might've been his imagination but he was pretty sure that he felt the shudder that went up Felix's body.

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