Chapter 5

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Thankfully the worst from the blizzard didn't last too long and it was about half an hour later that the winds sounded like they'd calm down enough for it to be safe to go out again.

'Should we go?', Hyunjin murmured, leaning his head down the slightest bit and feeling the wool from Felix's hat against his chin at the action. The fairy had seemed unwilling to untangle himself from Hyunjin and the dark-haired man didn't find it in him to say anything against it. So...he'd allowed Felix to embrace him and glue their bodies together as they softly talked or just sat in silence, listening to each other's slow breaths.

'Mm yeah, grandpa must be worried', Felix responded, his voice sounding a bit huskier as if the fairy had been about to fall asleep against Hyunjin and the thought alone had the elf feeling that warmth in his chest again.

'Same goes for my mum', he tapped Felix's arm, 'let's go then, little one', the name slipped out and Hyunjin felt a blush spreading across his cheeks at not only how he'd called Felix but the pure adoration that was seeping out of him with the words.

He was, honestly and truly, embarrassing.

'S-sure, let's go', the slight stutter from Felix didn't go unnoticed by Hyunjin but he decided not to dwell on it for too long and instead helped the fairy get up slowly.

Their way back was filled mostly with Hyunjin cursing at the piled up snow and Felix laughing at him as he winded their arms together and made it even harder for the elf to walk. Now that the wind had calmed down, their voices echoed in the otherwise empty streets and almost made it feel as if nobody but them existed and the houses, which were lit from within, remained there as decoration-a simple background to the picture they painted together.

Hyunjin insisted on walking Felix back to Cloudy's house: 'It's only three yards away from my place and I want to make sure that you won't lay down in the snow for another crying session'.

He'd gotten himself a light slap against his chest at that but it had been combined with Felix's smile, so he didn't mind.

'So, uh. I should probably give you this', Hyunjin said before unzipping his backpack and pulling out a box from it which quickly changed Felix's expression from curious to a wide-eyed one.

They were standing on Cloudy's porch and the elf anxiously kept looking back to the door, afraid that the old man would come out and find him there. Especially in his current state-flushed, smiley and sparkly eyed, almost as if Felix had passed him a disease or something.

'Oh, thank you', the fairy smiled as he moved to take the lunch-box, his fingers ending up brushing Hyunjin's while doing so and even if it was through their gloved hands, it still gave Hyunjin a shiver that ran down his spine.

'I ended up eating all of them, they were actually pretty good, you weren't joking', he chuckled once he let go of the box and watched as Felix's face lit up further at the admission.

'That makes me so happy to hear, Hyune', the skin on both sides of his eyes crinkled with his smile and Hyunjin resisted the urge to take off his gloves and run his fingers against the freckles there.

They stood before each other for a while after that, both looking down awkwardly while Hyunjin shuffled on his feet and pulled the sleeves of his coat.



They both spoke up at the same time and when their heads snapped up, the two's eyes widened which was followed by soft chuckles.

'You go first', Felix motioned to Hyunjin with his hand.

'I was just going to say that I should probably go now, before my mum loses her mind', Felix let out a soft exhale and nodded once as he hugged the lunch box closer to his chest.

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