Chapter 13 - No escape

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The future has already been written by the divine beings.

Things such as changing your future are just decision that results to things that gives you a different outcome than what you have expected.

If I wan't to live my life peacefully, Do I have to rule this country? to carry such a burden?
Was there a rule in the heavens that those of royal blood, who was born to rule their country, must never pass on their burdens to another person?

If I want to take care of myself only, and not my people, if I want to give my responsibilities to other's because I prefer to live peacefully... is that called selfish?

In this life, there are people that I "can" trust and cannot.

snap snap.

Xyron snapped his fingers at me.

"What's with the deep thinking? are you stupid? did you have dementia? did you forget that this place has a time limit, you ugly-" I covered his mouth. His eyes formed into a shape of satire anger.

It's time to leave.

"Goodbye!!! see you in my next life old grandpapa" As soon as walked out, the door banged, closed tightly.

"If I were to ask help, would you help me...?" Those words suddenly spilled from my mouth. it was a random thought that went straight to my mouth. Thankgoodness the door was closed!!!


It has been weeks since that day I visited Xyron.
Many things happened a lot lately, but I didn't go out of the palace too much... except today.
It was a sunny day, a nice weather to go somewhere...

On this day, in my first life, Alexis and I were taking a walk on the garden. I recalled that it was also the time we had our first kiss.

Taking back to the current day and time, me and alexis decided to meet up at his mansion.
The guards stayed outside the mansion because I requested to.

"On times like this, aren't responsibilities too heavy to carry?" Alexis sat beside me.

"How unusual, Lord Alexis, you don't have much work?" I asked, looking at Alexis who was beside me.
"Haha, work? I got rid of it for now. I now have time to help you, your highness!!" Alexis excitedly said as he gave me the tea.

I looked inside the white glass cup, the tea was quite clear. It was also still quite hot, the smell was almost that of roses.

"What tea.. is this?" I asked.
"Vischetel's special tea, your highness. I don't know if you like it... but when you taste it, you will momentarily taste intense sweetness then suddenly, it becomes bitter." Alexis smiled at me as he was explaining about the tea.

He kept making eye contact, which was really uncomfortable for me. Although, I do make eye contact with him sometimes when we talk... but I don't make eye contact THAT often!!!

"...Your highness, please be careful, you never know wether the tea is poisoned or not" Alexis smirked at me.

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