Chapter 1- Dear past life

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Amelia Cosette Yosella Volerei is none other than the name of the only Imperial Princess of the great Empire of Volerei.

Beautiful golden hair, Attractive eyes of Citrine, Red lips, a remarkable beauty.

An existence of masterpiece and art.

The Only Princess of the Empire, and the only Child of the Emperor and the Empress.

The symbol of their love...


In the hallways of the marble made castle that faced the ocean, the sun's rays reached to the walls and the floors. To the trees and the gardens, to the Windows and Balconies, as it was sunset.

Accompanied by the Princess's beautiful and sweet humming voice, as the sun's golden rays has also reached her.

"The Marble palace is as beautiful as always"


Cossette stood up and gave Giselle Anne, the head of her lady-in-waiting, the letter.

"where should i deliver this?"

Giselle asked, as it was unusual for Cossette to send a letter instead of visiting personally.

"To Marquis Fredereik"

"Yes.. your highness"

Giselle walked away with the letter in her hand.


Cossette could finally relax after a long day.

A day later  |

On the Hallways, it was clearly heard what the maids are gossiping about.

"They're expecting my father to have a son with a mere concubine or with my mother?"

sitting on the wooden chair that looked
I-AM-ROYALTY, the princess looked at Viena, one of her lady in waiting.

"Yes your highness.."

"And why do they expect that?"

Viena turned her head sideways, As she hesitated to say it.

"Because they think that the Princess is too Immature"

Immature you say..?

I have reincarnated in this world 4 times now, and my 3 other lifetimes were wasted because of my mistakes.

You still think... i did not yet learn anything from that mistake?

"Is that so..?"

I could only say this, as i have to control my temper.

Yes that was right.

She had reincarnated to this world 4 times now, This lifetime was her fourth.

As in her first lifetime, she was a total villainess, in her second lifetime she still behaved the same but lost a bit of confidence.

in her third, she became a good person and gave up her throne and her imperial status, as she realized that she died all the time because of being a bad queen.
And the people's already set they view her, there's no more changing it.

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