I felt that. It felt like I just got flicked as well.

He looks at me "You had a breather too" He says.

I raise an eyebrow at him. Okay? So?

"But you healed much quicker and they ended up taking it off when you could breath by yourself."

I nod then sit up.

Needles were in my arms giving me medicine.

I take the needles out and see that that aren't normal needles.

"The needles broke against your skin when they tried injecting you" He says chuckling.

I rub my arm "Sorry about that" I mumble.

I throw off the covers and look for my stuff.

My clothes have been washed and my equipment is laying there neatly.

Next to the clothes was a glass of water.

"Did you feel it when I flicked him?" Kakashi asks.

I drink the entire glass then turn to him.

I nod "Yeah" I say in answer.

I grab my clothes then go behind the changing curtain.

"I'm almost certain that any pain that is given to either of you, the other will feel as well" Kakashi says.

I change and say "I know." I walk out from behind the curtain then say "Actually I knew that would happen all along"

He raises an eyebrow "Oh?" He asks.

I nod "It's a shared curse." I say. "I've had one on me before, placed by my brother"

He looks surprised "How did you take it off?" He asks.

I click my belt into place then look at him "Who says I don't still have it?" I ask.

Kakashi looks surprised "So you share pain with another person still?" He asks.

I shake my head "No, the person I was connected to died and I haven't felt the same pain ever since"

I so remember the sensation of bugs and worms eating my skin though.

I was connected to the one person I called a friend before.

My brother didn't like it and took it as good training.

He kidnapped my friend then tortured him in the worst ways possible.

I felt it for weeks. I searched and searched for my friend but never found him. Suddenly the torture stopped after a few months.

Another few months then I felt the bugs eating me alive.

That's when I knew he was dead and buried.

That's when my brother told me what happened.

I've wanted to kill him ever since.

Kurai did a lot of bad things to me. Painful, excruciating things to me, but that one almost killed me.

I shrug and pull on my boots "I guess the connection broke after their Chakra died." I sigh and get up "My uncle knows how to soften the curse though. He won't take it off because he'll think it's good training or something but he will soften it to where I can feel the pain to a certain extent or with an exception"

Kakashi nods. "I see, but if Sasuke is sleeping, how are you awake?"

I frown and look at Sasuke. "Because," I say "I still feel drowsy and sore just not to the extent he does. Sasuke takes most of the damage inflicted on him while I get the stuff he can't take. The stuff scraped off of the top. It's so as to keep him just alive"

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