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It doesn’t take long for me to swim back up. With the blade in my arm it's more difficult but it’s nothing I haven’t already done before. My head breaks the surface and I gasp for air. I pant and keep myself afloat but just a little to stay hidden. 

I grab the yoyo from my belt and fling it up. It wraps around one of the posts on the bridge. I grow even angrier as I climb. The pain in my stomach is nothing to the rage I feel. 

I fell unconscious underwater at one point but I don’t know for how long. When I woke up I was just floating. I can feel that my contacts have fallen off but I’m not going to go swimming to find them. 

I grunt as I hold myself with my good arm. I hate this fog, I can’t see where I am. 

Finally I make hand signals and lift my hand to my mouth. I blow out harshly and the wind becomes a huge gust. The fog gets blown away aggressively and I know they noticed. 

“Zabuza!” I yell. I climb up on the bridge and see everyone staring at me. 

My hair is wet and lays down over my face unlike what it normally does. I reach over to the knife in my arm and pull it out. I glare at the ground then look up at them with my eyes flashing. 

Zabuza stares at me and I can see his shock and horror as he stares into my eyes. 

“Your eyes!” Zabuza gasps. 

I give him a scary stare as I say "Did you think you could kill me like that?" 

Zabuza’s body trembles as he stares at me. 

“What’s the matter? Afraid of a cold stare?” I ask, flicking the knife around my hand. 

Kakashi stares at me in shock and looks at my arm. It's already starting to heal I can feel it. 

“The Jubaku Eye” Zabuza says under his breath. 

My eye shares the colors purple, red, and yellow in sections with my left eye completely silver. 

I smirk “Oh, so you know about the Jubaku Eye?” 

He nods and says “Everyone knows the story. They say the yellow is a sign of immortality, the red is said to be able to look into someone’s soul and cause an instant death curse. But the purple can see into the future. The silver eye though, nobody knows” He growls “I just didn’t think they were a real thing” 

I run the knife through my fingers and chuckle inwardly. 

"Oh they're real alright" I smile at him "And quite valuable I hear" 

Zabuza takes a step towards me. "Then why do you show me? You know how skilled I am" 

I smirk and step closer as well "Because," I start. I raise the knife up to my face for it to shimmer in the light. "It really won't matter who I tell as long as they don't live long enough to share the story" 

His eyes widen as I suddenly disappear. 

He looks around but doesn't see me. 

Suddenly I appear above him. I bring my foot down in him hard and it hits his shoulder. 

There's a cracking sound as I disappear again. 

I hide in the fog. "Isn't it funny Zabuza, that the fog you created to help you is working against you?" 

My pupil dilate as I appear by his side. 

I pull my hand back and fling my arm to the side. It hits his liver hard and he hunches over his stomach coughing. 

He tried to grab me but I was gone. 

I kick him off of his feet and he falls landing on his back. 

His sword slides across the ground. He rolls over and reaches for it. 

Don't Be Foolish  (Naruto Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now