When his hand wraps around the handle I step on it. 

He cries out as I put more pressure down on it and crouch down. 

"I'm gonna kill you" Zabuza shouts. 

I smirk and get close to his face as I say "You already tried that" I kick him and pick up his sword. 

He flips to his feet to catch his breath. 

I make wide gestures with the sword as I watch him. 

"If you're so powerful, why did you let me kill you?" He asks. 

I sigh "I usually give people to many chances, but once I'm done-" my silver eyes sparks suddenly "I'm done" 

I jump forward and grab him. There's a sudden flash as my right eye stares daggers into the eyes of my opponent. 

But to my surprise, when I see the soul, it's not dirty like Zabuza's should have been. 

I hear a soft gasp as the eyes I'm staring into, don't match Zabhza's. 

My eyes widen as I look down. 

Haku, stands in front of me. He took in all of my Jubaku's eyes power. 

I let go of Haku in surprise and step back. 

Haku's eyes are lifeless as he falls to the ground slowly. 

His body hits the ground and bounces before lying still. 

I stare at him. He really did serve Zabuza to the death, just like he always said he would. 

I can't help but feel bad. I didn't want to kill Haku, just Zabuza. 

What is this feeling? Suddenly as I look at Haku's wide lifeless eyes, I don't feel like killing Zabuza anymore. Haku was a great fighter and I respected that, he was also a loyal companion to Zabuza which meant something. 

Right now my Jubaku eye is completely red from the aftermath of the kill. I only had one kill in my eye and I used it on Haku. I could still kill Zabuza normally but that seems like such a waste. A waste of Haku's last efforts. 

I crouch down and close Haku's eyes then stand back up. 

I stare at Haku as I say "Zabuza," I can hear him breathing heavily "Count yourself lucky that Haku gave you this last fleeting moment left to live" I tilt my head up and look at him. "I'll give you one chance to save your miserable pathetic life"

Zabuza opens his mouth but I say "Do you remember, Daichi Nakamura?" 

He's quiet. 

I stare at him emotionless as he thinks. 

He looks down at me "Yes I do, he was a ninja I wanted dead" 

"He was my brother" I start. "The only one who made me believe that there was more to life than being a solo killer. I still believe that even now and you killed him" I glare "Why?" 

Zabuza stares at me. 

"He killed my lover," Zabuza says quietly. 

My face softens and shows my shock. 

I can tell he's not lying either. 

"You're brother killed my lover when she tried to help me out of a mess I had created. He ended up killing her so I vouched to kill him" 

I'm quiet. 

"Hadeki!" Naruto suddenly yells "Kill him!" 

I hold the knife in my hand tightly. 

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