Bellingham waved his hand in front of Giovanni's face to catch his attention.

"Hello, Earth to Reyna?"

"Uh-huh?" He was snapped back to reality.

"What the hell are you watching?"

"I'm not sure. I think West Ham against Everton." Gio shrugged.

Jude was quickly bored of whatever was being shown on the screen, so he wanted to look at something more interesting.

He looked for Haaland.

He hasn't moved an inch, still talking to Burki and Dahoud.

He cracked open his can, still keeping his eyes on the three people of interest.

"Where did you get that?"

Bellingham flinched. He forgot Gio was right next to him.

"What? The beer?"

"Yes, the beer. What else?"

"Reinier gave it to me."

Gio stood up and left to hunt for alcohol, by then Jude had already opened another can.


"The traffic was absolute shit. I got stuck at 6 red lights. Fuck's sake."
Dahoud complained and Burki nodded in agreement.

Haaland tried to be a good listener, but couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched.
He turned to see Bellingham, discretely staring at them. He either got bored or noticed, so he stopped.

He was admittedly weirded out, but if he expected anybody to be looking at him, it'd be Bellingham.
He was also weirded out by how present he has been in his life recently, even though they never talk.

"Has the beer kicked in yet?" Dahoud asked Haaland.

"No. Well, not yet at least."

"What is it? What's on your mind?" Burki joined in.

"Can I tell you something? You have to keep quiet about it."

Now both of them were interested.

"Of course."

Haaland leaned forward and clasped his hands.

"Few days before our game today, Bellingham came up to me and said... Something? I don't know what he said. Then he stood in front of me, looked at me for a while then walked away." Haaland said.

"...And? What happened?" Dahoud asked expecting an interesting answer.

"That's it."

All three went quiet.

"I don't see the big deal." Said Burki.

"There's been a really weird tension between us ever since. For your information, he was staring at our table just now."

Both immediately turn to look at Bellingham, he was watching some random match from across the room.

Burki raised his eyebrow.
"Just go talk to him."

Haaland groaned. That was the last thing he wanted to do.

Bellingham and HaalandWhere stories live. Discover now