Chapter 100.2: YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU.

Start from the beginning

"You're lucky Y/n."

To this day, I never knew the meaning of those words... But when I finally confronted her about how I noticed her admiration towards my brother... She lashed out at me. That was the start of our friendship turning sour. Students in our school would talk shit about me online and offline because of the fabricated lies she told and made sure to try to separate my brother and me. When I snapped... I...

"Why are you even doing this to me?! We were the best of friends and then you suddenly treat me like shit!" I shouted, "Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!! You privileged bitch! You have something that I want, something that I should have! You don't even deserve it with that horrible attitude of yours! You ungrateful bitch!" she pushed me to the ground. I grit my teeth as my body fell to the ground. All the bottled-up anger and hate finally exploded as I grasped a nearby rock. I slowly got up, Futamo was getting ready to push me again but she couldn't foresee that I was going to run up to her. Her eyes widened as I closed the gap between us.



My hands trembled as my eyes widened, the rock on my hand dropping to the ground as I saw Futamo's unconscious body on the ground... I realized what I had just done, I whacked Futamo on the head with a rock.

Ever since that day, I never got any updates about where she was or how she was now. All I knew was that she survived because I didn't hit any crucial part of her skull and that the force wasn't strong enough to do any major damage. She moved out with her brother, I don't know where but... That was the last I ever heard of her.

-Flashback end-
-2nd Person POV-

But you knew Futamo doesn't have a quirk that'll magically put you inside the game so why... Why were you here? Why were you put inside this mind fuck of a game? Why... Just why was this happening to you...? You poor soul... Separated from the person who you are in the same situation with... But... Poor Y/n... The answer why is already in front of your face.

Besides, you should be asking yourself... What connects you and Blake?

Your thoughts were cut off by your phone vibrating, you slowly looked at your phone, it was a text from... Nezuko.


Y/n, can we meet up tomorrow?

You furrowed your eyebrows, confused as to why she would suddenly ask you to meet up with her. You replied, asking her why she wanted to meet up. She replied that she wanted to hand it out to you, and you grit your teeth. The game Gods must be entertained with the number of overwhelming emotions they're putting you through. You were hesitant, but... Nezuko... She still remembers you, unlike Aimi and Melanie.

'God... Fuck... I wanna go home...' you dreadfully thought, trying to hold back any tears.

-Time Skip-

"We... We found it..." Daki mumbled as she glanced at Blake, who was also in disbelief. Daki noticed his hopeful facial expression while she was filled with negative thoughts. What if this portal is a trap? What if it wouldn't take you both back to your real world? What if... She couldn't come with you both...? "Blake..." she whispered, Blake turned to her, to see her scared facial expression.

Blake slowly approached her and cupped her cheek, "Hey... what's wrong?" he whispered. "I... I'm scared Blake..." Daki spoke out. "What if... What if I can't go to your world?" she added as she looked up at him. Blake paused before saying something, he rubbed her cheek to give her comfort. "That'll never happen, you can come with us. We've made it this far, I'm not allowing that to happen." He reassured Daki. Although it felt like an empty promise, Daki felt relieved by his words.

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