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"Congratulations, you're pregnant."

Joe and I looked at each other in shock, neither of us saying a word, until I had a realisation.

"Wait... but why am I bleeding? And why am I in so much pain?"

I could feel my heart starting to beat faster, nervous for what would come out of the doctors mouth next.

"It seems that you've gone into early labour and the pain you're feeling is contractions. In most cases the baby is healthy and we can just give you medication to stop the labour until you're full term. The bleeding isn't too heavy so I'm not worried, but i'll do an ultrasound for you just to be sure the baby is okay."

So many thoughts flooded both mine and Joe's heads at the same time. I was pregnant. There was an actual baby inside of me right now.

The doctor begun the ultrasound and the baby's heartbeat echoed in the small hospital room. What suddenly was an awful place with an awful smell became the happiest place on Earth.

I glanced over towards Joe and watched as his eyes filled with tears. We exchanged small smiles as Joe grabbed my hand and squeezed it three times.

The moment didn't last long, another apparent contraction started, and it was starting to hurt more. I squeezed Joe's hand hard and winced.

"I'm just going to check how dilated you are to determine how much medication to give you, is that okay?"

I nodded quickly. I would let this woman do anything she needed to do to stop this pain.

"It looks like you're only about 3cm dilated, so the medication should work well pretty quickly and the contractions will stop."

"Thank god..." I sighed, relieved that this would be over.

"Don't worry, only about six more months until the real thing!" The doctor laughed as she started to take off her gloves.

Joe giggled but I did not find her comment amusing at all. I did not want to push a baby out of me in 6 months. I hadn't even wrapped my head around the fact that I was pregnant.

"Wait a second that means i'm... three months pregnant?!"

"Based on how the baby is measuring at the moment, i'd say you're about 11 weeks now. That makes your due date roughly June 13th, but we'll confirm it with you at your first proper ultrasound."

"Wow that's... not that far away..." I said with a little bit of panic in my voice.

"Sweetie it's plenty of time, I can't believe we're going to have a baby..." Joe said as the smile on his face grew larger.

Joe's excitement made me worry less. Seeing how ready he was to really have this baby with me made my heart melt.

"I'll get the medication for you and then you guys will be all good to go!" The doctor said as she smiled and left.

"Are we really having a baby...?" I asked Joe, with a little shakiness in my voice.

"Do you want to do this? I'm only on board if you are. And this is your body, it's entirely your decision." Joe said with a warm tone. I didn't quite know how someone's tone could be warm, but Joe's was. It was comforting. Like his words were a fire keeping me warm.

this is me trying: taylor swift + joe alwynWhere stories live. Discover now