Reiko too placed all her efforts into doing well on the exam. Regardless of whether the answers seemed obvious, she gave herself time to think about it and carefully checked her work. Silly mistakes were unacceptable, and she would be damned if Kyoya beat her because of a flipped sign or misread instruction.

     Two hours and five minutes later, Reiko set down her pencil. Flipping her test back to the front page. She scanned over each of her answers one last time before going up to the instructor and turning the exam in. She was then instructed to exit the classroom with her things so she wouldn't unintentionally distract other students who were still testing.

     Gathering her things, Reiko quietly left the classroom and made her way to the club room which was the only room she would be able to grab a snack and study in peace.

     After setting her things down, the silver-haired teen debated what kind of tea she should prepare. Even though she'd finished first, Kyoya wouldn't be far behind. Even though he'd denied it, she knew something was wrong and based on the way he'd been acting that morning guessed it was a headache. Reiko filled the kettle with water and reached for the box of black tea they kept but rarely seemed to use.

     Exactly fifteen minutes later, the club door opened once again. Kyoya entered the room, his eyes sweeping over the space until they settled on the silver-haired teen as she arranged a tea set on a silver platter. Dropping his bag on the floor, he sat down unceremoniously on the couch; he closed his eyes and tilted his head back, letting it rest against the back of the sofa.

     Kyoya opened his eyes when he heard Reiko's footsteps come closer. She quietly placed the tray on the coffee table in front of them. He straightened his posture as she poured his cup and nodded in thanks when she handed it to him.

     Taking a sip, he recoiled slightly at the taste. He'd expected for her to serve him the usual cup of lavender and honey tea but for some reason, she'd selected black tea today.

     "I can make lavender tea if you'd prefer," she said noting his expression.

     Kyoya shook his head. "No need to do that, this is fine."

     "I figured the caffeine would help with that headache you've been nursing all morning," she commented as she sat down beside him.

     His dark eyes flicked to meet her silver ones. "You knew."

     Reiko raised an eyebrow. "I merely guessed you weren't feeling well given how quiet you were this morning. It's unlike you to reject even exchanging greetings."

     Kyoya sighed. "I apologize for my lack of etiquette earlier."

     The silver-haired teen waved the comment away. "I've already forgotten it. What's more important is that you feel better soon. I can go down to the infirmary and ask for some painkillers if you'd like."

     Kyoya's lip twitched into a smile which he hid behind his teacup. "I'm flattered that you're so concerned on my behalf."

     She narrowed her eyes at him. "Judging by your comments I assume you must be feeling better. Perhaps my worry was unfounded."

     His smile disappeared. He actually could use a painkiller right about now. "I wished to say I was grateful" he amended. "A paracetamol wouldn't be a bad idea."

     Reiko rolled her eyes but nodded. "I'll only be a moment then," she said. She stood up to leave but Kyoya began following after her. "I'll walk with you."

     She stopped and gave him a confused expression. "If you intend to go yourself is there a point in me coming along?"

     Kyoya tilted his head as if the answer was obvious. "Well, some company would be appreciated."

We Are the Sons and Daughters - Kyoya x OCWhere stories live. Discover now