SEASON ONE; number boy

Start from the beginning

"How about 10k?" He asked the boy, who simply shrugged. Soon, they'd met up with the group and together they set up a little camping spot for the night - however the pillows they'd found had gotten moldy, so folded up jackets would have to do. 

Still, she was alive and had a family to survive with. In these days, you couldn't ask for more. 

                    ➳The next morning, the fully stocked up group began their continued driving towards California. They'd been driving for a while, and at this point they'd come to a vast bridge. Warren, of course - was driving. And, when Warren drives, (y/n) had learned that its best to brace yourself against a wall, or put on a seatbelt. They'd found a military truck, and she was taking full advantage of the large wheels, and had taken to driving right over zombies that got in her way. 

Luckily for them all, it was her and Garnett in the big truck, and the rest in the other truck. Eventually they were forced to pull over when the truck stopped running normally. Doc hopped out to examine the tire, and (y/n) sat on the roof, dangling her legs over the side to supervise. 

"Alright, looks like ya got a flat," Warren pulled out her mechanic talent to explain the situation. While everyone was talking and discovered a zombie that kept the wheel from turning properly, (y/n) tapped her fingers on the truck's roof, a nervous habit. From the left came a faint humming noise, like another vehicle. 

"Well," Doc chuckled "that explains the pull to the left!" (y/n) reached down an tapped his shoulder, nodding her head to the left - which revealed two guys on motorbikes. 

"Nine o'clock," she whispered to Warren, who nodded and took up what (y/n) called her "mama bear" stance. 

"Yeah," Warren spoke quietly but loud enough for them to hear, while they drove an almost creepy slow speed past them "keep rollin' and we all live to see another day." Finally, they left, and (y/n) released the breath she'd been holding. 

They changed the tire and stepped away from the vehicles to admire New York's skyline for the very last time - possibly ever. 

"Even after all this," Warren spoke with a dreamlike gaze on her face, as the entire group minus Ten Thousand stood looking. "it's still beautiful." (y/n) closed her eyes and took a deep breath, releasing it with some sense of finality, like she was starting fresh - like she wouldn't be the same after this journey. 

"Take a good look," Garnett told them "we won't be back for a while." Addy, from the back with her little camera, spoke her goodbyes. Murphy gave a little sarcastic quip, but (y/n) had gotten pretty good at tuning him out. 

Then, they all turned away, heading back for the trucks - and it was then that (y/n) became someone new, leaving behind every tragic thing that had happened in New York, to try and live for the chance at  something better. 


                       ➳If there is one thing (y/n) hated, it was the apocalypse's tragic irony. They'd ran out of gas and were trying to scavenge up a few liters to get them somewhere safe to rest, but out of the hundreds of cars that lay in the automobile graveyard before them, not a single drop could be found. .

"Goddamn Black Summer," she muttered, trying to pull anything out of a car's gas tank with a tube. Doc sighed. 

"Anything?" He asked, to which (y/n) shook her head solemnly. But, like a trooper - Doc kept trying. The girl wiped off the dust on her pants, before deciding to rummage through the car's interior, to look for anything of value. 

"No way!" she laughed, pulling out of the car to show Doc and Number Boy what she'd found. Bright pink bubble gum, still in the package. She pulled out a piece, before shoving it into her mouth. Immediately after, she spit it back out. "Ugh, tastes like dust." Surprisingly, the boy let out a little huff of laughter.

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