How to become a good Guadian Angel

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Guadian Angels are what protect trough out your life. They make sure you live till your time runs out. Tho Guadian's aren't ghosts, they can still touch, feel and move things, which makes their job even harder.

See, every person who lives has small clock, about the size of a pocket watch. No guardian sees that clock. In the past, guardians have tried to save the person from there death, causing the person to live another day, but die a brutal death. Now, you are not aware of how long the person you protect has; you will only hear a loud ringing in your head, and that guardian will fade back to lead the person who they have protected, to the gate of souls. When the guardian had done their job, they are allowed to join the other souls, or they can protect another person. It is rare that they decide to protect another person, it's a difficult job.

People are known for being oblivious. They cannot see there Guadian angel. There's a part of their brain that blocks them out, making it where they cannot see them. They can, of course, feel them, but Guadian angels are too slick and too good at keeping away at their touch, no one's ever felt something that wasn't there.

Animals can see them though. Some animals are fine with the Guadian angel being there, others will try and attack. But once their owners walk out of the room the guardian will show the animal that they mean no harm, letting the owner be fooled and think their pet has just saw another animal from outside or had smelled it.

Guardian angels have wings. They are usually white, sometimes they will have black tips. A guardian angel's wings are quite large, they could cover themself with their wings, also having enough room to wrap their wings around another person. Sometimes if the person they are protecting is either in danger and they need to hide, or they are playing a game of hide and seek and the Guardian wants to make things a bit more fun, they can wrap their wings around the person, making it where they go invisible, but where they can still look around clearly. Of course, the guardian has to make sure their wings do not touch the person they are protecting.

Whoever a Guardian angel is protecting, they get file. That file contains the persons status. It shows the persons mental health level, self-esteem level, sleep level, anxiety level, stress level, breathing level, depression level, and more. The levels go up to 100% to 0%. This file will always be in the guardian's pocket, it's folded like a piece of paper, but once you un-fold it, it'll look like you never folded it.

But our story begins with a Guardian angel, whose name is Hitoshi Shisnou. His wings white, slowly fading into a black at the tips. His hair is purple and rather messy, his eyes were purple as well, but a shade darker, under them were displaying dark eye bags. He never seemed to get the sleep he needed. He wore a black sleeveless turtleneck, that seemed to fit his skin perfectly, with a white fancy jacket, it was seemed to be stiffer, and it had gold designs where it was buttoned together, paired with white baggy pants with white boots, his pants having to be tucked into the boots.

(A/N I'm sorry for the bad explanation of his outfit, I really don't know how else to explain it)

He was the first guardian angel to not be selected with someone to protect. Your supposed to train for Seven years, but it's been eight. Every day he would ask if he could, but they would just say that he wasn't ready, or that someone has already been selected for the job before him. It's quite exhausting, but if it meant for him to finally be selected, then he would do it.

Today was different, the alarms went off. The alarms are for the guardians who get injured while doing their job, though that hasn't happened for more than hundred years. Everyone rushed towards the commotion, even Hitoshi himself. An angel guardian who was bruised and beaten was there "He's reckless! I'm not going back there to protect him!" This never happened before. A guardian not wanting to protect who they were selected too never happened.

Everyone gasped, but some tried to reason with him to go back and protect whoever they were protecting "I told you I'm not going back! The boy's crazy! I'm not risking myself again! I could have died!" When Guardian dies, they never come back. Everything just becomes black, and it stays that way forever. Only one guardian died, but that happened centuries ago. "I'm sure it'll be fine! you might be almost done with your job since he's so reckless!" One of the other guardians tried to convince, but other didn't want to hear it.

"A no is a no! I'm sure someone here wants to take my place! Come on, anyone! I'm begging you! I can't go back!" Oh, this got Hitoshi's attention more than anything. Everyone told him he wasn't fit to take on the task, but he was more than ready to. If he could take on whoever this crazy person is, then maybe, just maybe. Would they show him the respect he longed for.

"I will!" Hitoshi spoke, loud and clear. Everyone turned to him, giving him attention, he didn't need at that moment. "Thank you, my boy! I'll give you his life book and file!" The man said, he sounded grateful and very relieved. 

Every person who lived has a book; it had every detail of that person's life. It's in the library, it's quite big. It's easy to find it once you know the person's name and where they live, it's even easier if you know their address. Once you call it out, the ladder of the library will take you straight to it.

The man instantly started telling Hitoshi every little tip he could use to protect the boy while taking Hitoshi to the library. Once there the man gets on the ladder, calling out "DENKI KAMINARI, ADDRESS -XXXXXXXX" The ladder speeds trough quickly, almost making the man fall. Once h grabbed a book, he climbed down the ladder. His wings were damaged, making it impossible to use them at this given time. "Here you go, here's his file. I need to get bandaged up. Be safe my boy!" And Thos were the last words Hitoshi heard the man speak before he rushed out.

Hitoshi held the book in his hands, and the file in between his fingers. In all honestly, Hitoshi would have never thought this would happen. But here he was, now having to read the story of

Denki Kaminari

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