Chapter 13 - Interrogations Yield Results

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~ ~ Malik ~ ~

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~ ~ Malik ~ ~

He loves me back. I didn't expect him to, but he does.

Why wasn't I expecting it? We are soulmates, after all. It's in our nature, in our DNA to love each other. It's been engraved into our futures since we were born, of course we're in love.

It's such a different experience compared to what I had with Dexter. He loved me after I pleased him. He loved me when I gave him what he wanted. This is something else, something much less toxic, less vile tasting in the back of my throat. This is pure, unconditional, passionate love. This is what I had been missing my entire life, this is what locked into place as soon as the words were said. This is everything I had ever wanted and more.

So as I laid there facing Xander, staring at the man I was in love with, I felt every emotion, every desire flowing through my veins as if it was always meant to be there.

He must've felt it too, because I watched his pupils dilate and his stare grow more intense with the electricity flowing between us. He was the first to move, reaching over and cupping my face.

He sat up and stared at me a moment longer, asking silent permission to continue. With a nod of my head for confirmation, he climbed over me so he was straddling my waist, most of his weight landing on his hands on either side of my head. He leaned down, never breaking eye contact as his weight shifted to his elbows instead of his hands.

Our lips brushed together first in a teasing promise of a kiss, until I lifted my head and pressed deeply into the vampire. Xander responded by pushing back so my head fell into the sheets again. He tilted his head to deepen the kiss and ran his tongue along my lower lip.

I granted permission by opening my mouth and starting a dance of love between our tongues. Our breaths became ragged, our hands explored each other's clothes, and our legs tangled together.

This is the most intimate we've been so far, our bodies meshing and clicking into place like we completed each other.

As we kissed, I reached up and ran my fingers through Xander's hair, tugging on it slightly and eliciting a deep groan from his lips. That simple interaction made my entire body tingle with excitement.

As he reached a hand up my shirt, creating goosebumps everywhere he touched, someone knocked on the door. Xander jumped slightly and broke our heated kiss, pausing for a moment to let the electricity crackle for a little longer before he apologized to me, and then got up to open the door. I sat up in bed, still processing how easy it had been for me to fall so far into him.

"Sebastian," Xander greeted him. I felt his underlying anger, but I knew he didn't want to snap at his butler, who was just doing his job. "This better be good," he crossed his arms with a slight glare in his gaze.

"The suspects are ready."

Xander turned to me with a sigh. "I have to go and interrogate some members of staff who may not be loyal. Will you be okay staying here?"

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