Chapter 12 - Nightmares and Magic Water

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~ ~ Xander ~ ~

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~ ~ Xander ~ ~

Malik fell back asleep only a couple of hours after we had dinner, so I left to check on Sebastian, wanting to see if he's made any progress with the potential mole. I hoped and prayed to anyone who would listen that my staff could be cleared. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if someone I hired had been working with V, or worse, they were V.

This place was supposed to be safe for Malik, and I couldn't help but feel like I failed in that regard. I decided to push that guilt aside and do something about it.

I met up with Sebastian in his quarters. He has a space separate from other staff with a few rooms. A bedroom, a bathroom, a personal kitchen, and an office. I found him in his office where he sat behind his desk, reviewing some background checks on a few different people. I saw Emma on his computer screen, along with a few more cleaners. One named Mason, one named Charlotte, and another named Sandy. "Those are all suspects?" I asked.

Sebastian looked up in surprise. "Master Delaney! Hi, I didn't hear you come in. I don't have any suspects just yet, I'm just ruling people out."

"Mm," I hummed in response, looking over his list. I pointed out one of them, Emma. "She's new, right? Did you approve her hiring application and give her an interview?"

"No, actually. I was on leave during that time. She was interviewed by my apprentice, Connor. I trust the boy and what decisions he makes, and he had told me about it already, so it's not news to me. I would've liked to interview her myself anyway, but no matter. I believe Connor also hired Mason. I think I'll interview both of them for a second time, just to be thorough."

I nodded at him and said, "good idea. Make sure you do the appropriate checks, in case Connor missed something."

"Will do, Sir. How is the merman holding up after this week?"

"We're getting by," I replied. "Thank you for your help, and your concern. I'll check on your progress again after a few days. Not a word of this outside the room, alright?" I knew he was aware of it, but I had to be extra cautious to avoid widespread panic.

"Of course," he nodded his head in understanding.

I said my goodbyes to him, and then left his quarters. I followed the hallways for a few minutes, taking the time to think and reflect on what's happened to me these past couple of weeks.

As I made my way back, I felt a sudden wave of anxiety and urgency overwhelming me. I knew it was Malik, so I started running the rest of the way, startling any members of staff who roamed the halls in my path. I used my powers to move at the speed of light, appearing at the bedroom door and throwing the heavy wood aside to peer into the dark room.

I observed my soulmate carefully, hearing his ragged breaths and squirming under the sheets. He must have been having a nightmare. I sighed in relief as I approached the bed in the darkness, reaching out and gently shaking his shoulder. "Malik, wake up.."

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