Chapter 6

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demiurges pov
1 day after izuku & ainz left

I was walking in the halls of nazerick and could see all the maids hard at work with the pleas or lords it made me smile knowing that everyone was hard at work to make sure the supreme ones were taken care of, although I had to admit it quite in nazerick without lord ainz and lord izuku.

demiurge: i wonder how lord izuku is handling shalltear?

I decided to not worry about it and walked to ainz his chambers since I could not find Alberto anywhere and I think everyone knows that her favorite place is to be in lord ainz's bed.

when I arrived I instantly regretted opening the door. I saw Abeldo lying on lord ainz his bed with what looked like merchandise of the supreme one and here I thout shalltear was worst with a body pillow of lord izuku but I was wrong.

demiurge: Albedo why are you in lord ainz his cambers? 

Albedo: Ow demiurge I just keep it warm for lord ainz and maybe a little practice when he finally decides to have me as his wife~

I rub my eyes with two fingers, why You may ask Well Albedo is the one person that can give me a headache not even pitou is that extreme about lord izuku hell even shalltear does not take it so far.....wait she did Dress one of her servants as our young lord.

demiurge: You know that you were ordered to keep the throne room safe and since I can't ask pitou to do it and I am too bissy it's your task.

Albedo: and why can't pitou not do it*pouting*

Demiurge: She is making sure lord izuku's secret project is saved and also to make sure akaza does not go too far in the training of the black knights. you have to remember that Anor Lando is a big place.

albedo: wait I need to clean izuku,s room! turn around demiurge I need my clothing!

turning around and facing the door I could hear the sound of drawers open. to be honest I was confused about why she screamed it.

albedo: Done You can turn around again.

demiurge: "Turning around" Why were you screaming that you have to clean lord izuku's room?

albedo: I'm his mother Demiurge well not officially yet.

demiurge: Is that not Pitou's job to keep his room clean? and I thout lord izuku always kept his room clean.

before I could get an answer I saw her running out the door to lord izuku's floor. taking a deep breath I walked out of lord ainz his room and back to my "happy farm" but when I arrived I saw Velvet and akaza.

demiurge: I thought the two of you followed lord izuku?

akaza: We did but he found us and ordered us to bring you this human.

looking down I saw the human akaza throw on the ground he was knocked out and seemed to have purple hair with balls. on his head.

demiurge: If it's lord izuku's orders then it means this human has something important correct?

velvet: Yeah just like us this grape head is from another world where they have powers called quirks. lord, izuku wants to see what level of scrolls you can make of his skin.

demiurge: Very well was there something else?

akaza: Yeah if it a too low of a stroll he said that you can keep the human for any experiment you wish to do

Demiurge: Good I should remind myself to thank lord izuku later for this GIF Anyway thank you I will take him off your hands.

and so Velvet and akaza disappeared and I picked up the human and went to my lab to see the quality of the scrolls I could make from his skin. as expected from lord izuku using everything to his Adventist. After some time I arrived in my lab.

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