you know you're gonna be a dead meat to your mom when you come home, but nevertheless you didn't gave 2 fucks anymore.

you have made her happy enough and you couldn't make yourself happy.

you sit down on the couches with your other friends, still the same friends as the ones y'all were with in the last drinking session.

you take the shot glass and chug it all in your mouth, you squint your eyes as you feel the alcohol running down your throat, causing it to sore.

but that pain brought pleasure

but you still couldn't stop thinking about the whole thing that has happened, Dahyun slaps your arm to wake your thoughts up.

"Y/n, you've been staring straightforwardly at Jake, do you like him?" Dahyun teases, everyone started teasing you back, but you didn't replied.

"I-I'm sorry, I just zoned out, please don't think of anything" you state while taking a sigh and soon, drinking the remaining liquid in your cup.

Jake: I've been noticing that you're just staring at one particular thing all along, is everything alright?

he asks while his voice is filled with worriedness and his face, You give him a reassuring smile and a sign of an "okay", Jake nods his head.

Jake: you do know that I'll do everything just to make you happy and comfortable, now tell me, what happened?

me: it's just some family issues, but don't worry, I'm used to the pain already.

you tell him straightforwardly without stuttering, well, it's true, you've been used to this since childhood.

Jake: do you wanna talk about it and then help you get through?

me: talking about it doesn't really help me any further, I already had this convo with someone else and it just brought me into pain.

Jake regrets asking the question, but soon off got into his thoughts, "who was he?" he asks his brain even though he knows that his brain doesn't know either.

you no longer paid attention to him and went back with Dahyun, she fills in your shotglass, almost hitting the rim.

"you didn't had to fill it up that much" you said in annoyance, she smirks at you.

"if you're really okay, then prove it, drink it all" she laughs

you didn't hesitate no more and started to gulp down it all in your mouth to your throat until the alcohol goes down to your esophagus, the taste and burning sensation makes you squint your eyes tightly and some of the liquid goes down to the side of your throat.

you feel like burping as your stomach start to hurt, Jake looks at you with concerning eyes.

he wants to tell you to stop, but he can't, all he can do is smirk at you while you chug all the alcohol down your mouth.


2 hours have passed by, you are now knocked out and currently resting your head on the small table with the scattered shot glasses and wine bottles surrounding you, your stomach feels so heavy and sick that you couldn't move properly.

the bar is still filled with so much people, the random neon lights filling up the whole place makes everyone else still have fun and enjoy themselves.

3 of your friends has left the table, they're probably flirting with random people they just found here in the bar, meanwhile you and Jake are still staying on the same table.

you are completely unconscious of what is happening around you, you are just sleeping so soundly on the table, meanwhile Jake is still himself, he drinks the remaining alcohol in his shot glass, gulping it down, his throat takes it all.

"ahh" he says after drinking it, the taste of alcohol has been his favorite.

he looks down at his shot glass, and back to you, you're still wearing your school uniform, but he still finds you hot, beautiful, and attractive.

his eyes went to you once again, then tries to walk towards you, he sits down right in front of you, he slowly moves his head closer to your beautiful face, he places a hand on your cheek, then admires how beautiful and stunning you are.

then he moves his head to the amount of people dancing and swaying in the place, he looks for dahyun and the rest, but they just vanished right away.

he looks at you once again, he couldn't believe that he's currently holding the face that he has dreamed to hold and kiss.

"i guess my plan has started" he mumbles to himself and smirks.


A/N: hey y'all! Third Person's POV and the Author's POV isn't the same.

the third person's pov mainly talks about Y/n herself, but there is no "you" but instead, it is replaced with Y/n's name. meanwhile the Author's POV is directing the scene to you!

but from now on, I'll be using Author's POV instead since it's easier and much faster to address.

and once again, Happy New Year!

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