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Will had been trying to cheer him up. It just wasn't right for Tubbo to be upset like this. He's always so happy and kind, he doesn't deserve to be sitting here this way. Worried and gloomy, Tubbo was just down. He hardly wanted to answer when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket.

He pulled out his phone and his eyes lit up. Ranboo's caller ID. He answered quickly and couldn't stop his instant barrage of questions. "Are you okay?? Where are you? What happened?"

"Tubbo, calm down." His voice was calm and gentle, not pained or panicked like Tubbo worried it would be. The overall softness of Ranboo's tone calmed him down, helping obscure the anxious thoughts he had been having all day.

Tubbo took a deep breath, steadying himself. "Are you safe?"

"Yes Tubbo, I'm safe. I'm not hurt besides a headache, and I'm in that one hospital between the coast and the airport."

"I'll be there soon, then."

"See you soon, love you."

"Love you too."

Tubbo pressed the red End Call button, looking up to see his brother, Wilbur, who was smiling. "You need a ride to the hospital?"

Tubbo returned his older brother's smile, nodding. "Yeah, thanks big man."

Wilbur grabbed keys, the ones for Phil and Kristian's car, and walked out. Tubbo followed him to the car and sat in the passenger seat while Wilbur drove.

He leaned his head against the window, and he started to let himself stew in his thoughts. The time they had off for the holidays would be over soon enough, and they would be back to studying. Back to living with Billzo and Aimsey. Back to the normal he'd gotten used to.

He would wake up and make breakfast with Ranboo, then Aimsey and Billzo would join them for breakfast. They'd all hang out for a bit before those of them with morning classes would leave. Then it would be dependent on everyone's schedules. Ranboo and Tubbo had a tendency to go to lunch together whenever they were free around midday. Nights, after studying of corse, would usually be spent as the whole group, playing board games or video games. Tubbo had grown fond of this lifestyle, and he was happy to be nearly back to it.

"..here!" Wilbur had said more then this, but Tubbo had still been zoned out.


"We're here, the hospital." He said, opening his door and stepping out. Tubbo stepped out as well, and walked into the hospital.


When Tubbo ended the call, Ranboo sighed. It had been nice to hear Tubbo's voice, but he had hoped the other wasn't worried. He found the nurse and got the all-clear to go wait for Tubbo in the waiting room. They gathered their present belongings- he'd have to pick up the rest from the airport later- and went to the waiting room.

They sat in a chair until they seen Tubbo walk in with Wilbur, going to the front desk. "Over here!" He called out as he stood, gathering his belongings.

Tubbo looked back at Ranboo, smiling as he ran over. He hugged them tightly.

The two stood there hugging for a while until Wilbur intervened. "Okay you two, we're still in the hospital. You can hug at home."

The three left the hospital, getting in the car. Ranboo and Tubbo both sat in the back seats.

Tubbo took the other's hand, smiling and worry-free. There was a loose and comfortable feel to the silent drive home.


Fun fact: I hate most happy endings. They almost always leave a sense of like- there needs to be more. You guys know what I mean?

Anyways- Eat, drink, sleep, all that jazz. Have a great day, afternoon, evening, or night!

Love you platonically Readers!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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