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Ranboo's pov

     I turned the handle and pushed the door in. Aimsy was standing right behind it, about to open it herself.

     "Oh, you guys are home early. How did i- Oh God are you okay Tubbo?!" She said, realizing a bit late the condition he was in."

     "Yeah, I'm f-fine," Tubbo said, still shaking badly but smiling all the same. I suddenly realized that our hands were resting between us, gently wrapped together. When did that happen?

     "I wish I could stay, but I meeting up with a friend for dinner," Aimsy said, walking out the door. "Bye guys."

     Me and Tubbo went and sat together on the couch. We were still holding hands. It was a nice feeling.

"So, what's wrong?"

     He told me about his biological father, who was an alcoholic and addicted to just about everything. He spoke of the yelling and breaking glass, and trash everywhere. He said that a little before he turned three, people came to his house and took him. He stayed in a place with some older kids until he was put on a plane to England. That was when he moved in with his adoptive family. He was younger than the other brothers and was the only one adopted, but he was still shown the same amount of love and care.

     He looked at me, his eyes were red and tears were streaming down his face. He leaned into me and wrapped his arms around my body. It broke my heart to see him so sad, but I was glad that I could be the one to comfort him. I put my arms around him and rested my chin on his head. It felt so- so natural.

Tubbo's pov

I woke up on the couch. I was leaning on Ranboo and we had our arms wrapped around each other. He looked so peaceful, and I didn't want to wake him, so I just sat there in that position, blushing. Was I the one who did this? It came back to me all in an instant. The job, the date, the glass, taking Ranboo's hand, and wrapping my arms around him after spilling my past out on him.

I gently moved my arm and pulled my phone out of my pocket. It was 7:12 am. There was still a while until our first class. I heard voices coming from the kitchen. It sounded like Aimsy and Billzo. The thought that they both saw us on the couch like this made my face go bright red with embarrassment.

Aimsy had seen us holding hands last night, hadn't she? She would have at least sort of expected this, but Billzo would have had no idea. I don't know how either of them will react to this. I've only known them for a few days.

I decided to go and speak to them. I carefully stood up, making sure Ranboo wouldn't be disturbed by the movement and walked to the kitchen. Aimsy and Billzo were both up and ready for the day.

"Morning Tubbo," Billzo said as I walked in.

"Good morning," I responded.

"Are you feeling better today?" Aimsy asked, handing me a cup of coffee.


"What happened?" Billzo asked, being the only one who didn't see me crying and shaking.

"A glass broke, and I- I just got really shaken up from it," I said, trying to avoid talking about my past.

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