Tubbo's pov

"Alright. Only a few days until my flight to America."

     I could barley contain my excitement. Each of my brothers have moved to America to attend Jamestown University. I was finally going to join them!

     Living situations weren't going to be a problem, I was able to live with any of my brothers until I had a few friends I could stay with.

     "I should stay with Techno. Tommy is really loud and Wilbur and his band are always practicing." I said to myself

     I packed my bags, bought my ticket, and let my brothers know when I would be arriving.

"Bye Tubbo." Said Philza, attempting to conceal his emotions as me, his youngest child, prepared to board a plane to America.

"Be safe, we'll miss you." Said Kristin, who was tearing up. "And remember to call often."

"I will, mom." I promised, "Love you guys"

"Love you too Tubbo" they said, looking at me with such pride and sorrow that I couldn't help but tear up as well.

"Be safe"

"Have fun"

"I will."

I boarded the plane, and as it took off I watched the buildings, trees, streams, and everything in this small world I had never left as it all just slowly shrank and slid away as I slipped into unconsciousness.

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