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Ranboo's pov
(when sentences are italicized they are the persons thoughts, that way I don't have to change pov as often)

"Hey Ranboo." Bad said to me as he sat down.

"How've you been?"

"Good." I said, smiling slightly. The only reason I've been doing better lately is because of Tubbo. Why does he make me feel better? "How about you?"

"I'm great!" He said. "I just thought now would be a good time to talk, we've not spoken together for a while.


"Anyway," Bad said leaning forward slightly. "Still single."

"Yep." I responded simply.

"Do you like anyone?"

"Yep, exactly where I thought this would go." I thought.

"Nope." I lied. I was avoiding thoughts of Tubbo as much as possible to avoid blushing and giving my secret away.

"Aw come on, don't you find anyone attractive?" Bad asked. He wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

"Sometimes." I replied.

"What about your new friend Tubbo?"

I went quiet, and my face went red. That really caught me of guard.

"Aww-" Bad was grinning as he spoke now.

"Shut up" I said rolling my eyes.

"Hey! Language!" Bad shouted.

"Sorry." I apologized.

"It's fine, just watch what you say." He said, brushing it off more easily then he usually would have. "So, do you actually like Tubbo?"

"You never can leave things alone, can you?" I said, unamused at the situation.

"Don't dodge the question." As Bad said this, I sighed.

"Fine. Yes, I like Tubbo." I said reluctantly. "Happy now?"

"Yes." Bad said, smiling wide. "Very."

"I don't know what to do." I said.

"Flirt with him." Bad said happily. "Ask him out."

"I don't know how to do that" I said, avoiding eye contact with Bad.

"Well you'll never learn if you don't try." Bad said. He remembered his first attempt to flirt with Skeppy. It still made him cringe to this day. Skeppy still teased him about it sometimes.

"I don't want to embarrass myself." I was hating this conversation, but it was relieving to have someone who I could tell about this, even if it wasn't fully by choice.

"What if I help." Bad said. His eyes were wide, and if this was some sort of anime, I thought that they would be glowing.

"How?" I said. I was intrigued and fearful both at once.

"You'll see."

"Hey Skeppy, hey Tubbo?" Bad yelled towards the kitchen.

"Yeah Bad?" Skeppy responded from behind the door.

"Will you guys come out here please?" As Bad said this, I was internally panicking. What was Bad going to do?

     Tubbo and Skeppy walked out of the kitchen and sat down at the table, and Tubbo asked "What is it?"

     "We need to get to know you better Tubbo." Bad said, looking at Skeppy to let him know to play along. "We all should do something together." Bad looked at me to propose something, but I stayed silent. Skeppy and Tubbo were also quiet.

     "Oooh I know," Bad had already known that he would propose this. "Ranboo, you never date anyone, and Tubbo, your single. We should have a double date." He smiled at Skeppy, who nodded in agreement.

     "That sounds good to me, if you guys are fine with it." Skeppy said. He hated when Bad did this. He was always trying to push relationships that didn't exist to become real. It's a sweet concept, but usually it doesn't end up well.

"S-sure." Tubbo managed to stutter out. His face felt like it was burning. He knew he was blushing, and he knew the others could see it, but he avoided looking at anyone anyways.

"I guess so." I said. I was looking at Bad with gratitude and fear. How was he so good at setting up things like this? How was he so calm?

"It's settled then." Bad finished, clapping his hands together. "Dinner tonight sound good?"

"That works for me." Tubbo said. He looked up at Bad, who had more confidence then me or Tubbo could ever have.

"Same." I said.

"See you guys then." Bad said as Tubbo and me got up and left.

A Few Minutes Later
Skeppy's pov

"I thought you promised me you were done helping these quote on quote relationships." I said to Bad as we cleaned up the kitchen.

"But Skeppy," he said, looking at me sadly. "I couldn't help it. They both like each other, but are too scared to say anything."

I shook my head, heading towards the door.
"I'll see you when you get home Bad," I said as I started towards the door. "I'm gonna get ready now."
"Alright," Bad said. "Love you."

"Love you too" I said back. The door closed behind me and got in my car to drive home.

Nobody's pov

The car ride home was extremely awkward. Neither Tubbo nor Ranboo even attempted to start a conversation. They were both still blushing, and having talked to Bad about the same thing, they both thought that this date was their own fault.
When they got home, Ranboo seen Aimsy on the couch.

"Oh, your home?" Ranboo said.

"Yeah, I only had a half day today." She said, looking up from her phone. "Did you two have a good time?"

Tubbo and Ranboo stood there in silence for a minute. "Guess not" Aimsy thought.

Ranboo's pov

"Well um- I've gotta go get ready." Tubbo said awkwardly. He quickly walked into his room and shut the door.

I sat down on the couch next to Aimsy.
"What happened?" She asked me. I had put my hand on my face, covering the part of my face between my hair and mask, so my face would be fully blocked.

"We went to Bad and Skeppys bakery for Tubbo's interview, and he convinced us to go on a double date with him and Skeppy tonight." I said, not removing my hands from my face.

"Why would he do that?" Aimsy asked. She knew Bad would do this kind of stuff, but she didn't know he did it to people who weren't together.

"If I tell you this, you can't say anything." I said, removing my hands from my face and looking over at her.

"Okay." She agreed.

"He planned this to help me because I- I like Tubbo."
"Wait,"Aimsy said, confused. "You-"

"Yes, now I've gotta go get ready as well." I said, trying to get quickly away from this awkward conversation. I went to my room and closed the door behind me.


     To my readers, I hope you are enjoying the book! I have had a lot of fun writing this book, and still have plenty of ideas for it. If anyone has questions leave them in the comments.

Love you platonically readers!

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